Chapter 6

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                                                              --------------Percy's POV--------

 "These earthquakes have seriously been nagging at me." I say, sighing. "I don't think I've gotten good sleep in dayssssss." I say, groaning and throwing my head backwards.

"Awwww, does my Seaweed Brain miss me at night?" Annabeth says, giving me puppy eyes and tilting her head a little and squishing my cheeks up with her hands.

I smile. "You bet I do wise girl," I say, nuzzling my nose with hers and giving her a little peck on her mouth.

"But in all seriousness, what do you think is causing these earthquakes? Do you think Hades could be in a big fight with his brothers?" Annabeth asks.

"Nah, I bet we would've already known from the world." I say, cracking a joke. Annabeth laughs, and I laugh too.

I glanced to the side, and saw a girl who looked about my age staring at me. She had brown eyes and blond hair. I ignored her. I look back at Annabeth.

"Come on though, we do need to get updates from Chiron, just in case we're missing something. There has been a surge in monster attacks lately." Annabeth says.

"Yeah. We should probably get going now."

Me and Annabeth get up from the bench that we were sitting on, and we start walking to the pick up truck that I rented because my mom and Paul we're on a vacation in another state.

Me and Annabeth get into the pickup, and I put on one of my favorite songs, Legends Never Die, and Annabeth smiles at me when she hears the catchphrase.

I was driving towards Camp Half-Blood, and on the way, me and Annabeth we're singing the lyrics to the song like Karaoke.

"Legends never die eeeee,

They become a part of youuuuu,

Can you hear them screaming out your nameeeeee,

Legends never dieeeeee,

They become a part of youuuuu,

Every time you bleed for reaching greatnesss,

Relentless you'll surviveeeeee,"

Me and Annabeth sang and screamt those words, having fun, and remembering all the times we've been through battles trying to protect the world and our friends by shedding our blood and sacrificing ourselves.

After we finished our "amazing" singing period, Annabeth looked at me with a smirk on her face, "You sounded like a girl." She said, and started laughing.

"Why thank you. Now I know that I am very capable." i say, which made her laugh even harder. I smiled, loving that I see her smile and laugh.

And I start laughing too, trying to focus on the road. Once we calmed down, Annabeth rested her head next to mine, "That was fun." She said.

"It was. " I tell her, smiling.

For the rest of the ride, which was like twenty-five minutes, we sat in silence, Annabeth putting her favorite sappy love songs for us to listen.

We keep sitting in the pick up, me behind the wheel, driving, and Annabeth resting her head on the window, watching buildings, meadows, homes, pass us. She looked like she was in deep thought.

"Do you think there are other things we haven't discovered?" Annabeth asks.

"I mean, yeah. Obviously." I say, kinda annoyed of her question.

"No I mean like mythology, or something. Like you know how Roman and Egyptian mythology is all real. Do you think....there could be more out there that we don't know about?" She asks.

I thought about it for a moment.

"I mean there could be more out there. But I really hope it's not true. I don't think I can handle anymore of new mythology. " I say.

"Hmmmmmm." Annabeth says.

The rest of the way, we just talk about the news all over the world, just really random things.

We finally arrive at Camp Half Blood.

I open Annabeth's door, and she says: What a gentleman.

I just smile at her.

I close the door and lock the pickup. I heard a bang coming from the back at the pick up. I go over there and I stare intensely at the back.

Little did I know that there were seven elves right there in front of me.

I was about to reach out with my hand to make sure nothing was there, but then Annabeth called me.

"Come on Percy!" She yells.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I walk off from my pick up, glancing at it one more time.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now