Chapter 5 part 2

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                                                                    ------Sophie's POV-----

He was him.

And then I remembered another word for half-blood. Demigod.

I saw them both get up. I had to find out if they had anything to do with Greek Mythology.

I quickly transmitted to my friends. Get to the front of the shop and meet me there. NOW.

Sophie, what's going on? Tam asked.

Yeah, what's going on? Maruca asks.

I said come on! I'll explain on the way. I think I might have a lead to our problem.

Copy that. Dex said

In a flash, they were out of the shop.

I pointed to the boy and the girl. "That's our lead."

"How do you know?" Keefe asked.

"I said I'll explain on the way." I tell him

"I forgot to bring an obscurer. Does anyone have one?" I ask.

"I got your back," Dex says.

"Thanks," I told him, smiling.

"Alright. So we need to follow them without them noticing. So everyone, step in the range of the obscurer and try not to step in the wrong direction." I tell them.

They all agreed with me.

We're now invisible to everyone.

We start walking towards the couple who we're wrapping their shoulders around each other's waist.

They walk towards the end of the road, following.

"So would you care to explain how this could be a lead?" tam asks me, looking at me with an eyebrow perched up.

I sigh. "So remember last year, in our final stand off?" I say, my eyes focusing on the couple, but I could see that my friends were nodding. "Well remember when we were fighting that thing and it smashed me under the sea? Well when I was under there, an image of that boy," I say, pointing to him who was walking a couple of feet in front of us. "And I also saw a glowing green trident. That trident is a legendary weapon of one of the main gods of Greek Mythology. His name is Posiedon." I say. "But either way, the image of that boy that I saw, he had sea-green eyes and black raven hair. He was also carrying a sort of bronze sword behind his back. Here, let me share with you the memory."

I connect my mind to theirs. I share the image of the boy.

"Wow. that really is him." Marrella said.

"He looks really cute." Biana says. Tam grumbles.

"Man. That sword is really cool." Dex says.

I point to the couple. "You see their shirts? It says Camp Half Blood. And half blood is another word for demigod, I think. A demigod in greek Mythology is a person who is half god and half human or mortal."

"Half human and half god?" Maruca asked.

"Meaning that one of their parents is mortal and one of their parents is a god or goddess." I say explaining.

"It's just how would this be true?" Dex asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm kind of hoping this doesn't end up being true." I say.

We kept following the couple, and then about ten minutes later, they stopped in front of a truck and got in.

"We have to get in the back,'' I say.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Keefe asked.

I sighed. "Well, let's take risks today." I say, grabbing his arm and pulling him up to the back of the truck. Everyone else got in, and I was the last to get in. We were still covered in our observer.

" So um, about what you saw underwater, did you tell anyone?" Biana asks.

"Well no. You guys are the only one's told." I say I feel bad. " I just thought it wasn't important. I should've known better." I say.

And then I thought about telling them about when I was enhancing Linh underwater and I got that voice in my head.

"Uh, guys?" They all look at me.

"I think i need to share something more with you. Remember when at the last battle of the Neverseen? WEll when we were walking to the base and I was enhancing Linh so she could keep an air bubble, and I fell down for a few seconds? Well, when I was in that trance, there was like this very sharp piercing noise in my head. Then I heard in my head probably the scariest voice that I had ever heard. And the voice said, 'WHO DARES ENTER THE TERRITORY OF THE SEA GOD?' And I completely ignored it. I'm supposing that voice might have been the voice of Poseidon, the god of all the seas. If he existed" I say.

"Wow. Is there anything that you haven't told us?" Tam asked rudely.

I was going to snap back at him, until the truck stopped.

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