Chapter 11

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                                                         -------Sophie's POV------

 "How could we have not known about this?" Alina says.

"I don't know. Maybe they have something like we have? Like illusions." I say.

"Do you really think they're that advanced?" Linh asks.

"I mean they're not regular humans. So maybe?" Marella says.

"Look, I need to go check on my boyfriend, he was hurt pretty bad. You can continue discussing, I'll be back in an hour." I say, looking at the time. It was nine PM. Me and my friends that went with me explained everything that we saw and what we learned. I was caught up with all the questions that I forgot about Keefe. Now I need to go check on him.

I didn't have my crystal with me, so I had to teleport to Foxfire.

I go out of the doorway, and sprint really fast, channeling my energy into my legs, getting ready to open the void. I was really tired but I definitely had some energy left to go check on Keefe.

I almost reached Calla's tree, but I opened the void and jumped in, teleporting to Foxfire.

I walk to the entrance of Foxfire, to find goblin guards guarding the entrance.

"Sophie Foster, I'm here to go to Elwin's office, he has a patient that I need to check on." I say, and the goblins let me in.

People of the Lost Cities now trust me, now that I've helped our world a lot and saved people.

I walk in and head to the silent hallways which lead to the healing center. I was going to go to level seven in the fall, but I wouldn't have to live in the elite towers because a year ago the Council changed the rules that living in the Elite towers wasn't necessary. But if you wanted to live in the towers, you could.

I reach the left wing of Foxfire, and see a large sign with cute animals on it. Elwin's obsessions... I chuckle.

I go up to the door and I knock. Elwin opens the door, wearing his ridiculous tunics, his round glasses at the tip of his nose, and his hair rumpled.

"Hey Elwin." I say.

"Hey Sophie." He says, a small smile on his lips. "I'm guessing you're here to see our Lord Hunkyhair." He says.

I just nod, and say worrying. "Is he alright?"

"He's actually fine, just needs a cast on his arm for a week or two." Elwin says.

"Is he awake right now or is he sleeping?" I ask.

" He's awake actually. And I bet he's waiting for you." Elwin says slyly.

I smile. "Well okay, can I come in?"

"Of course." Elwin steps aside to let me in.

I walk in and head to one of the rooms with the beds in them. I see Keefe sitting in one of the beds with a soft warm night light on, sketching something in his drawing notebook with his good arm. He had a look of seriousness on his face.

I knock on the door when I realize he hasn't noticed me yet. He jumps and looks my way, surprised to see me. "Hey?" I ask.

"Hey Foster." He gives me a smile that he only gives me, no one else. "'Bout time you came here."

"Yeah. sorry about that. It's just what we discovered, it's gonna change everything. And I was forced to tell everything and have this discussion with everybody about what happened. And we haven't even finished." I sigh rubbing a hand down my face.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now