Chapter 7

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                                                          ---------------Sophie's POV---------------

"Woah. That was close." I say, exhaling very loudly.

"Definitely." keefe says.

"For a second there I thought a human was going to find out that elves exist." Marrella said.

"Gosh, the way he was staring at us?" Biana shuddered.

"We have to get going though." I say. "This place doesn't seem normal."

"I think we can all agree on that." Tam pointed out.

"Okay everyone follow me. Can we still stay obscured a little longer, Dex?" I ask.

"Just a little bit more, like ten minutes." He replies.

"Okay. Then let's be quick. We can come here tomorrow." I say.

We get off from the pickup, and we stalk closely to where Percy, I think that was his name, went with that girl.

There was this huge arc that said Camp Half Blood in a very greek style way of writing.

We pass through the arc and when we stepped through the arc, for a split second, there was a blue aftershock that spread through what seemed to be a barrier.


We walk through.

And there was something so weird.

There was like a mini arena to the side of the camp with swords on a wall and helmets that looked like the ones that the Greeks or Romans would use in battle.

There were about twelve cabins or more on the near the middle of the camp. Each cabin had a different design and was made out of something different than each of the cabins.

In the middle of the camp, there were logs and a bonfire. There were humans sitting on some of the logs. They we're just chit chatting and having fun.

On the opposite side of the arena, there was a bigger cabin than all the rest.

Next to the arena there was a stable.

I finally started looking at the people here. There were humans who looked normal, except there were some boys and girls with grey eyes like that girl that I saw. Then I saw some girls and boys with green skin.


Then I looked over to a group of people. It was that Percy person, that girl that was with him, and they were facing a human. Well, not human, it's upper body was human, and it's lower body was horse.

I grabbed Keefe's arm and squeezed. When he saw what I saw, he tensed up.

"What is that?!" He said.

"I-I don't know." I say.

Then another weird thing happened. I saw this group of people coming out of the stable. There were about five of them. They're upper body was human, but they're lower body was, I think, goat? And they had horns at the top of they're heads. I thought maybe it was a costume, but it looked really realistic.

One of them noticed the "Percy" guy and girl and ran up to them and gave "Percy" a bro-ly fist bump, and gave the girl a hug. He nodded at the half-human and half-horse guy.

"Guys we have to find out what they are talking about", I say.

"They are definitely not regular humans." Biana says.

"Definitely," we all agree.

We walked towards them, trying to avoid people, but a few half-human-half-goat looked toward our direction and sniffed. Not good.

We walked away from them and closer to the percy guy and girl, and half-human half-horse person.

We stalk closer to them, me and Keefe really the only one who can understand them very clearly.

The percy guy spoke. " Like what Annabeth mentioned earlier, what if Hades is mad at his brothers and is like getting revenge?"

The horse guy spoke. "To be honest, I doubt that. Because if Hades is getting revenge on his brothers, then he would probably only attack Olympus or the Western Civilization."


Western Civilization?


Okay so I knew who Hades is, and what Olympus is, but Western civilization?

" What the hell is Western Civilization?" I ask.

"This is really confusing." Maruca said.

"Uh Sophie, we need to get going, I totally forgot about the time we have left for the obscurer. There's only ten seconds left." Dex told me nervously.

"Well then let's go!" I say very hurriedly.

We rush out, and we're trying to channel so much energy into our sprint, but the camp was so big.

Then I heard something that I dreaded so much and showed that our cover was blown.

"Intruders! Attack!!" Some human yells.

Then an arrow hit my boyfriend in the arm, and there was a lot of blood.

"Keefe! No!" I yell and scream.

I turn back to the person who shot him.

I was so angry.

I started levitating and I could see that most people are staring in absolute horror.

Then red started piling up at the top of my vision, and I inflict on that human who injured Keefe.

I settled down. And then I realized what I've done. Oh no.

"Maruca, Shield up!" I yell at her, and she obliges.

A shield of white glowing color spreads around me and my friends.

I saw how terrified everyone looked.

I didn't want to hurt them.

And I felt bad that I inflicted on that human. If that person was even human.

I wanted to understand what's going on.

I yell in English. "Look! I'm sorry for injuring her. Please, can we figure things out? We won't hurt anyone. I just want to understand what's happening. Like what are you people?"

I translate to my friends what I said to them. They nod.

Then the horse guy comes forward, with that girl and "Percy" guy following him.

He speaks to us in English. "Of course. Now please, everyone," he turns to the campers, "put down your weapons."

Percy came forward. "You. I saw you at that ice cream shop." I nod.

"And I saw you there too. But I also saw you in my mind a year and a half ago." I reply. His eyes widened.

"Who are you?" He asks.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now