Chapter 12

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                                                      -------Sophie's POV------

           I sprint out of Foxfire, so I could gather my momentum to teleport. How many times am I gonna teleport today? I groan mentally. I open the void and hop in, teleporting to Havenfield's pastures. I land on the ground quickly, wincing at impact. I get up quickly and run, not sprint, because I was super tired. I get to the door, and don't even think about knocking. I smash in, and I startle a few people.

"Did you answer him?" I asked.

"Yes. He's right here." Somebody answered.

"Let me see him." I say, and mr.Forkle steps forward and gives me the imparter.

I see Percy and Annabeth. My face was red and sweaty. And I was breathing hard from too much sprinting and running.

"Hello?" Percy says.

"Hi, is something wrong?" I say, speaking in English.

"No actually. We just called so we can inform you and your, uh, friends, that Chiron told the gods about you guys, and when you said that you wanted to meet us tomorrow, the gods demanded a meeting with you guys, and your, uh, leaders." Annabeth says.

My eyes go wide, then I remember that the gods are actually real and they exist.

"Okay, so uh, do we need to like head to Olympus tomorrow, or something?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty much." Percy says.

"Okay, so we need to head to Greece tomorrow, great." I say.

"Actually, it's not in Greece. It's actually here in Manhattan."

"What?" I say, surprised.

"Yeaah, Western Civilization is now in America, and Olympus is in the Empire State building." Percy says.

For a second I was confused when he said Empire State building, but then information triggered in my head. My face had a very confused look on here.

"We'll explain more tomorrow." Annabeth says, noticing my confusion.

"Okay, so should we just head to the camp tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yep. Then we'll take it from there." Percy says.

"Okay thanks. Anything else?" I say, rubbing my hand down my face and yawning loudly.

"I think that's it. Oh wait! Don't bring your phone!" Annabeth says.

"Okay, heh, yeah. See you tomorrow, good night." I say, and click the button to sever our connection.

I turn to everyone and explain everything to everyone.

"Okay, so we'll need to be present there?" Bronte asks.

"Yeah, but I don't think all of you need to be there. It's up to you though. You can decide, obviously." I say.

"The whole collective is gonna be there, right?" I say looking at Mr.Forkle specifically.

He nods. "Yes, if everything goes to plan."

I nod back at him. Then I realized something.

"Are we gonna tell the other leaders of the other species, like Queen Nubiti, Dimitar, and Hylda?" I ask, looking at the Councillors.

The Councillors stay silent for a moment. Then Emery speaks.

"We're planning on it, just probably after our meeting with the, uh gods."

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now