Chapter 8

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                                                            --------------Percy's POV------------

I heard someone yell, "Intruders! Attack!" Ares Cabin... I sigh.

Me and Chiron and Annabeth head to where the voice was.

There was someone laying on the ground, an arrow in his arm, lots of blood.

There were some people laying on the ground next to him, and he looked like he passed out from blood loss.

And then I saw something that I've never seen before in my life. There was this girl, I've seen her before, at the ice cream shop. She was off the ground, she was, I should say levitating, her hair was floating as if she was in zero-g, and she was angry. Really angry. And there were red sparks coming out of her forehead.

WHat?! I rubbed my eyes.

She was looking at Clarisse who I suppose shot that boy.

Clarrise was too shocked to do anything . She was too shocked to see that a teenager my age was levitating off the ground with no struggle.

And then something unbelievable happened. A beam of red, that looked like red lightning, shot to Clarrise hitting her where her heart is. Clarrise fell to the ground, and she was thrashing so much and she passed out.

The girl yelled at one of the people that we're with her. The person was black, and had blue eyes and blue streaks in her hair. The girl yelled at her in an unknown language to me.

The black girl raised her hands and then something unbelievable happened. A white force shield, I think that's what it was, surrounded her and her group, including the mysterious girl.

I was about to rush to Clarrise, but then the girl who was levitating said, "Look! I'm sorry for injuring her. Please, can we figure things out? We won't hurt anyone. I just want to understand what's happening. Like what are you people?"

Chiron stepped forward and agreed and told us campers to put down our weapons.

I walk towards the girl, cautiously.

I told the girl that I've seen before.

She replied, "And I saw you there too. But I also saw you in my mind a year and a half ago."

My eyes widen.

In her mind? What does she mean by that?

My voice wavers. "Who are you?" I ask.

Annabeth pops in, putting a protective hand in front of me.

"More what, what are you?" She asks, her eyebrow raised.

The girl was about to answer, until Chiron stepped in. "Now why don't we take this inside." And then I notice how people are eavesdropping.

"Yeah, let's go inside." I say.

"Okay, one second." She tells us.

The girl talks back to her friends, and she suddenly remembers that boy who got shot by the arrow.

She rushes toward him, who was passed out. She shakes him a few times, a worried look on her face. She checks his pulse.

She checks his wound. It looked pretty bad. She turns around to one of the people with her. She looks at this guy who looked pretty creepy. He had silvery-blue eyes, he had jet-black hair, with long bangs that came over his eyes. Those bangs we're silver. He was wearing mainly black clothes. He reminded me of Nico. The girl speaks to him in a foriegn language, and picks up the injured boy. I was amazed how she picked up the boy with no struggle. The boy looked really heavy for her. She looked at the creepy boy with pleading eyes. She keeps talking to him. He finally complies and grabs the injured boy.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now