Chapter 9

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                                                           ------Sophie's POV------

"We are elves." I say.

I look at Chiron, Annabeth, and Percy.

They're mouths we're wide open.

"You're an elf?" Percy asks. "But aren't elves tiny with pointy ears?"

"I mean we're not tiny, we look exactly like humans, I guess. And we do develop pointy years when we reach thousands of years old." I say sighing.

"Thousands of years old?" Annabeth says.

"Yeah. We elves have an infinite lifespan. We consider ourselves immortal, because no elf has ever died of age before." I say.

"Okay, so how old are you?" Percy asks.

I smile at him. "I'm not five-hundred years old. Don't worry. I'm actually seventeen, but I'm gonna turn eighteen in a couple weeks from now. And me and my friends here, we're about the same age as each other." I say.

"Oh, ok. Well me and Annabeth, we're both eighteen. And Chiron, well he's, like thousands of years old. He's immortal." Percy says.

I just stay silent.

"Chiron, how exactly old are you?" Marella asks.

"Well let's see. I'm maybe five thousand years old." Chiron says.

My eyes go wide.

"That's two-thousand years before the sinking of Atlantis." I murmur to myself.

"The sinking of Atlantis? That's real?" Percy asks.

"Yeah actually. Thousands of years ago, when humans knew that elves existed, Atlantis was a place where humans and elves lived together. But then the humans betrayed the elves, and the elves decided to hide themselves from the humans, and sunk Atlantis into the depths of the deep ocean." I say in one mouthful.

"How does Posiedon not know about this?" Percy murmurs to himself.

"I think I should say something before I answer your question percy. Elves are thousands of years more technologically advanced than humans. We have devices that allow us to travel across the world in seconds. We can light leap, we have devices called obscures which allows us to stay invisible. We have a lot. Our world is really different from the Forbidden Cities."

"Forbidden Cities?" Annabeth asks.

"That's what we elves call your human world."

"Oh." Annabeth had a grumpy look on her face.

I look at percy. He was looking at me in deep thought.

Chiron talks. "Can you tell us more about elves?"

"Umm, sure. We elves, each of us, we can levitate." I say, and get out of my chair, and levitate up to the ceiling. I see that Annabeth, Percy, and Chiron we're gapping at me.

"Hey guys. Show them." I told my friends. They get out of their chair and levitate.

"We can pick up things with our minds. That skill is called telekinesis." I say, and pick up Percy and Annabeth with my mind. I smirk when they get a look of nervousness and amazement on their faces.

"We can regulate our body temperature, we can hold our breath for a long period of time. But not all of us are good at this skill." I added.

"We can blink, but usually only for a few seconds. And blinking is when we let light pass through us so we turn invisible. But usually only vanishers can do that better and for longer periods of time." I say, and demonstrate.

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