Chapter 10

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                                                            -----Percy's POV-----

They levitate higher and higher, until they 're only a speck in the night sky.

"Are they going to light leap?" I ask really nobody.

"I don't know." Annabeth says, grumpy. I chuckle, Athena kids.

And then suddenly they come closer to the ground. They 're falling.

"Somebody get ready to catch them, they're going to get themselves killed!" Chiron yells.

They scramble to do something.

Me and Annabeth are just frozen.

They were yelling and screaming except Sophie. She must know what she was doing. She had a look of concentration on her face.

At the last ten feet they were from the ground, I seriously think they we're going to get themselves killed.

Until at the last moment, Sophie glanced at me, and a loud thunderous boom was heard. And then there was a crack in the sky for a split second, and in that crack there was a galaxy background. Then the crack closed.

Woah. They just disappeared.

I was shocked for a minute until Annabeth called me. "Hey Percy! Come over here!"

"Yep." I called back to her, and ran towards where she was.

When I reach her, I give her a quick peck on the cheek. "What's up?"

"We really need to talk about this. And I don't think we can hide this from the rest of the campers." She says.

"Definitely." I say, eyeing the campers who were scrambling to do something. "Do you think what happened, with the monster, the elfs, everything, do you really think it's true?" I ask her.

"You don't? But yeah, I think it's actually true." She says.

"And you're grumpy, cause you didn't know about it." I say pointing out and smirking.

She pinches me, "Shut up. Do you want me to tell you how you looked?" She says.

"This is how you looked liked." She says and then she pushes her head forward and opened her mouth, making her look stupid. And if she said that's how I looked like, then that probably makes me look stupid. I pouted and that just made her laugh.

I changed the subject. "So how many people got hurt?" I ask.

"If you count Clarrise, then it would be five." She said.

"Which cabins were they from?" I ask.

"Well most of them we're from the Ares cabin, and one was from the Apollo Cabin." She says. I just nod.

"That stunt that Sophie did with the monster, it made the Ares cabin look like trash." Annabeth says.

"Yeah. If they are really elves, then they're powerful, really powerful." I say.

"Yeah. How's Clarrise doing?" I ask.

"She's actually fine. From what I've heard, she doesn't have any physical injuries. It's like when Sophie attacked her with that thing coming out of her head, it like aimed at her heart. As if the pain was like emotionally or mentally." She says.

"Hmm, could be." I say.

"So if Atlantis is real, how could it have been hidden from your dad?" Annabeth asks, tilting her head up to me.

"I really don't know. I could ask him, but I haven't seen him in seven months." I say, a little sad. Annabeth looked at me sympathetically.

"You know what I found weird, all of them had blue eyes, except Sophie. They all had different shades of blue, and then Sophie had a brown color eye." annabeth says.

"Yeah, I did notice that. And Biana had teal eyes. That's pretty bizarre and rare. Maybe they're just like that." I say.

"Yeah, maybe, but I don't think so." Annabeth disagrees.


"I'm pretty sure that we're going to have to explain everything to the campers. Do you think that Chiron is going to tell the gods?" I ask.

"I mean yeah, 'cause I'm pretty sure that if he doesn't, then he might be in trouble." Annbeth says.

"Yeah. I think so."

"Do you think when they come over tomorrow, they'll bring their leaders to their world?" Annabeth asks.

"I actually doubt that. For some reason, I feel like they're just normal elvin teenagers who happened to stumble across us." I say, and I didn't actually believe myself.

Annabeth noticed my doubt.

"Sure. Cause that Sophie elf really does seem like a normal elvin teenager."

Chiron comes to us. "I've told the Olympus Council. They're still deciding on what to do. I think it's now time to explain what happened to the campers." Chiron says.

"Well, then. Let's get ready for some freaking out." Annabeth says.

I just stay silent and grab Annabeth's hand, and we follow Chiron to the middle of camp.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now