Chapter 2; Part 1

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                                                                    Sophie POV    *FLASHBACK*

Everyone was sprinting. There was silence, except for the harsh panting of everyone, and the shuffling of legs, trying to run from the horror.

We found them . But we weren't expecting to find that with them.




They 're all depending on us. This is our last chance. If we fail now, If I fail, I won't be able to save them anymore. We won't be able to save the world anymore.

Everything happened so fast it was all a blur. First we were covered by our obscurers, communicating telepathically, figuring out what to do, and when to do it. Dex, Biana, Keefe, Fitz, Lex, Bex, Marella, Linh, Tam, Wylie, the black swan, and half of the councillors. Then boom, we saw something we've never seen before, and fled. Ever since two years ago, when I was fifteen, I went and attacked and destroyed the only storehouse of the Neverseen. I mean I totally busted them by a lot. Everything that they had, that they needed, was stored in there, and I went and grabbed what I wanted, and had a moment of truth. I thought, Glimmer is right, why shouldn't I do something more? The Neverseen hurt me, my family, my friends, everyone, either physically or emotionally. So why should I spear them, when I could give them payback? So I decided that it would be best if I burned it down.

When I came back from the warehouse, Tiergan, called it an act of war.

And I guess it's true.

And ever since that day, the Black Swan have been planning attacks on the Neverseen.

And this attack was going to be the final of them all.

We've been planning this attack for weeks, supposing it carries out the way we want it to.

Our spies of the Black swan reported that the neverseen were planning to ambush a group of innocent humans, which apparently was supposed to catch my attention, which was supposed to be a trap for me and the black swan, which I could not, and would not allow to happen.

During that moment, I finally understood why the Black Swan decided I would be born and raised in the Forbidden Cities for the first twelve years of my life. They did that because they were preparing if anything like this were to happen.

Most elves believe that humans are evil and very violent, and I suppose it true that they do have violent minds, but they're not evil. They are not trying to end the world as it is. They are just trying to live their normal lives.

I mean, they don't know we even exist.

I know now, that I would always back up the humans.

If they're in trouble, I wouldn't just ignore that.

If I was born and raised in the Lost Cities, I would have a very different perspective of the humans.

I mean a very different perspective.

I mean, I guess I am still pretty mad at the Black Swan for leaving me in the Forbidden Cities for 12 years, and 7 of those years I was pretty much freaking out that I could hear people's thoughts and seriously have no idea of what was going on with me.

So excuse me for being mad at them.

So me, the Council, my friends, my family, the Black Swan, planned to ambush the ambush, and I thought it was pretty dope.

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