Chapter 14- Part 1

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"Okay, if this is the entrance to Olympus, like the REAL Olympus, then why is there only a doorman? Shouldn't there be more security or something?" I ask, extremely surprised by the lack of security, and people.

"There is something called magic." Percy says.

"But that doesn't make any sense! Everything in the world is explained by science!" Dex exclaims, frustrated.

"Why is he grumpy?" Percy asks in a hushed voice, leaning over to me.

"Technopath. You know, techy guy. Really good at building tech and other things." I say.

"But then- actually nevermind." Percy says.

We walk in, me switching off the obscurers, becoming visible again to the outside world.

Once the doorman notices us, his eyes go really wide at the sight of us, elves.

It takes him a second or two to get out of his trance.

"Right this way," he says, really nervous.

"Thank you." Chiron tells him, while the rest of us are silent.

We get into the elevator, and Annabeth presses the 600th button.

The elevator rises up not really fast, pretty slow actually, and it takes us maybe five minutes to get up to the 600th floor.

As we get closer to the 600th floor, I start feeling. . . weird. I didn't know how to exactly explain it, but it felt as if there was like this light presence in me. It was like my body was filling up with light. It didn't feel like the sensation you would feel when you're light leaping, if felt like a more powerful sensation.

Then the elevator ringed, and we reached the entrance to Olympus. Chiron gets out first, followed by Percy, Annabeth, and the rest of us following.

My eyes started to see light spots. I didn't exactly know how to explain it. It was like blacking out, but instead of black, it was like pure starlight.

My head started to hurt.

My breathing became harsh.

But I keep walking, ignoring what's happening to me.

I needed to focus on the task.

I can't just faint in front of the gods.

I need to prove my importance.

I need to make an impression.

A powerful one, not a weak one.

I want to make an ally,

Not an enemy.

So I walk forward ignoring my blurring vision, and a weird feeling in my gut.

I stop slouching my shoulders, raise my head up high, and follow the collective and council.

I could feel myself breathing hard, my vision blurring up.

I continued, touching my forehead, realizing that my head was blazing up. Not good.

We walk into a huge room, and it takes me time to notice lots of thrones and huge beings sitting on them.

They all had stern looks. They were like ten feet tall. We immediately bow down, after a moment of realizing our surroundings.

I can feel a very, very powerful sensation coming from them, which triggers something in me. I have no idea what was happening to me at that moment.

Then I heard this powerful whisper in my head. We are the gods.

Then suddenly, I feel something burn up in my eyes.

I feel very powerful. I looked down at me while still bowing. I see this very powerful light auror around me, and I think a part of me was freaking out, but that part was like, I should say, hidden from my consciousness. The other part of me, was strong, confident, and as if I was fully aware what was happening to me. Which I wasn't.

I rise up, and I feel like something was taking over me. People look at me. Biana and Dex rush over to me.

"Sophie! What is going on?" Dex asks me, grabbing my shoulders.

Other people rush to me. The gods just tense up at the sight of my eyes glowing a strong white. They grab their, i should say, items.

I think I was freaking out, but it didn't feel like that. It felt confident. It was as if something was taking over me.

I turned to pretty much everyone. My gaze was fixated on the gods. Especially the three who were in front of me. One looked like he might be zeus, because his eyes looked like there was electricity in them, another who was on his right looked very dark, emo, so I think that was Hades. The one on the left had tan skin, and was holding a gold trident, which was giving off a sea-green color. So I'm pretty sure that was Poseidon. They three we're giving off a much powerful sensation, much more powerful than the rest.

I open my mouth to say something. Nothing comes out.

My heart was pumping really fast.

I just stare at the gods. The others we're freaking out. I could tell some gods we're getting annoyed, but some might have been freaking out too. Just trying not to show it.

Then a powerful voice, coming from the side, bellows.


A/N: Hello! I haven't updated in more than a month, and im sorry for thatTvT. 

Thank you so much for 1.6K reads!! I never thought it would get this many views, and for that I am grateful. I'm trying to update more often, except im not exactly having that much inspiration anymore to continue. But do Not worry! I will continue this book, of course. But yeah, see ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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