chapter 2 part 3

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                                               sophie's POV

After they phased through the wall, I turned to the thing, who was waiting for my attention impatiently.

"Hey dumbass, you ready to get your butt kicked?" I said, with a brave smirk on my face. But I don't think it understood me.

It just growled, and I boosted myself past it, getting out of the rooms, and I felt the sea water prickle my skin.

And the weirdest thing that happened, I could breathe underwater. I don't think that's part of genetics. But I could. It was like I was immune to water.

I allowed the water around me to push me forwards, allowing me to swim so fast that I buzzed through the ocean.

I knew that I wasn't going fast enough, because I saw the thing come up behind me.

It was angry, that was sure. And if I were going to survive I'd have to kill it.

I knew the only way to kill it was when I was not in the water. So I burst to the surface, and gathered the water around me and started levitating. Soon, I saw the thing burst out of the water, a furious look on it's face.

I levitated higher and higher, taking my daggers and throwing stars out. I was at least fifteen feet out of the water. If you looked from a third person point of view, you would see my cape rippling behind me in the wind, my hair rising as if I was in zero-g, my arms bended, my body in a levitating pose.

The thing was seriously angry, and it did something I would never have expected. It grew wings on it back, and it started flying up toward me.

Okay then, change of plans. I thought to myself.

I could see at the edge of my vision a tiny group of people, and then I noticed it was my group.They we're watching in awe.

I'll definitely need their help.

Biana, Fitz, Tam, Keefe, Linh, Marrella, Dex, Bex, Lex, I'm gonna need your help. Levitate up to me cautiously.

I saw them slowly lift off.

I took out my daggers, and launched in the air at it.

It hissed in response.

I thought maybe if I inflicted on it, it would help slow it down, and hopefully it would pass out.

I gathered my anger, and a large beam, and I mean a large beam of red, shot out of my head, hitting the thing. I'm not sure if it affected it much, because for a few moments, it was dazed and looked pained, but then it came out of its trance, and now it looked like it really wanted to kill me.

And then it charged at me with blinding speed, and there was no time for me to react.

Oh no.

"Tha pethánete!!!" It told me, before it slammed me so hard, knocking me down into the ocean.

When I was falling, I finally realized what language it spoke to me in.

Ancient Greek.

And it told me, you will die.

I crashed into the water, and I sunk to the bottom.

I saw an image of a boy, with sea-green eyes, and black hair. He was smiling, and was carrying some sort of bronze sword behind his back. The image flashed away from my head.

When I was able to open my eyes, I saw nothing but black.

But then something appeared in front of me.

It was a trident. It was a sea green trident, and it glowed brightly.

It didn't look like it was real, it looked more like a projection.

I blinked my eyes, and when I opened them, the trident was gone.

I realized where I was, and my situation, and sprung to action as fast as I can.

I surfaced out of the water, and saw that my friends were fighting the thing.

It seemed like they were struggling, and I don't think Keefe was able to command it, because it seemed that the thing couldn't understand what he was saying.

I took out my 15- inch dagger and bursted out of the water so fast that water followed me. I was levitating so fast.

The last 10 feet that I was levitating toward the thing, I got into a stabbing pose, and cried out, stabbing the thing in the back.

It was in shock, and I stabbed it more, a green, slimy substance coming around the edges of the dagger.

It screeched out in pain.

And then it disintegrated into a golden dust, letting the sea breeze carry it away.

I levitated there for a moment, wondering what happened to it.

"Sophie!" My friends cried out. They attacked me with hugs, and I felt like I was going to explode.

"Hey can I breathe guys?" I asked them while trying to catch my breath.

"We thought you wouldn't resurface!" Lex exclaimed.

"But I was only under there for like a few seconds." I told him.

"Seconds?! You were under there for like ten minutes! We thought you drowned!" Biana yelled at me. She hugged me. "Don't ever do that again." She murmured in my ear.

I hugged her back. "Sorry. I won't. Promise." I told her.

I hugged everyone. I told Fitz, "I wish we could've searched that thing's mind before it disintegrated."

"Yeah. But the thing that's important is that you're okay." he said, smiling at me.

"Oh right! The adults! Oh they're going to kill us! We better get down to them!" i exclaimed, a sense of worry overlapping me.

We levitated down to the shore, and when I landed, three people started crushing me.

My parents and my sister.

"You did it kiddo." Grady murmured into my ear.

And when I realized that, I passed out.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now