CHapter 2 part 2

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                                                                      Sophie's POV   *FLASHBACK*

Suddenly, I get a sharp piercing noise in my head.

My eardrums felt like they we're going to explode from all the pressure and noise.

I fell down to my knees, my hands pressing down on my ears, trying to find some way to remove the screeching in my head.

I started to blackout, but I could hear people yelling at each other, I could hear them calling out someone's name, but I wasn't sure who it was.

I could feel people grasping me, trying to snap me out of my trance.

Then full horor grasped me.

I heard a voice in my head.

A dark, scary, creepy, voice.


And then suddenly, it stopped. The noise in my head stopped.

I was aware of my surroundings.

I remembered why I was here.

I remembered my name, and everyone else's.

I remembered who I am and what I've gone through.

I remembered that I was in the bottom of the sea, with an air bubble around me, with creatures lurking who knows where, with a big audience of elves staring at me with worried looks.

"Oh my lord, are you all right Sophie!?" my adoptive mother, Edaline, shrieked.

I tried to speak, tried to tell them that I was alright, that I definitely did not just hear the scariest thing in my life.

But I just sat there on the moist sand, staring at my mom, my mouth shaped as an "o".

Keefe was sitting next to me, kneeling next to me, a worried look on his face.

He checked my heartbeat, to find it pumping so hard.

He held my hand and sent me a mental breeze.

I calmed down. I sighed.

Then I noticed Linh straining, trying to hold the air bubble up.

Hastily, I stood up, my legs shaking a little.

"I'm fine. I just had a weird trance. We'll talk about it later."

Everyone gave me worried and confused looks. But they agreed.

I went and stood next to Linh. I enhanced her so I could help Linh with trying to hold the massive air bubble that was surrounding at least thirty people.

She glanced at me, her shoulders relaxing a little bit from the release of pressure.

"Are you okay?" She said worryingly.

I glanced back at her, showing a small fake smile at her. "Yeah I think so." I lied.

I decided to ignore what I heard in my mind. That voice in my head was really freaking.

It sounded like an old man's voice. But at the same time it sounded like the voice of someone so powerful.

But I chose to ignore it. Yet did I know who's voice that was till next year.

After about 5 minutes of traveling at the bottom of the dark sea, did we find the Neverseen's hideout.

They thought we fled from horror, that we weren't coming back.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now