Chapter 3

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                                                                     Sophie's POV

                                                                     *Present day*

 "We have to figure out what to do. There is an unknown maze under our feet, that is spread across every place in the world, that has been existing under our feet for thousands of years, that we just found out last week. I mean what the hell?!" I exclaimed, slamming my fist onto the table.

The black swan collective, the council, and most of my friends we're having a meeting, trying to figure out what to do about the situation of the labyrinth.

"Look. We need to figure out what is going on. Who could've built this. We have to figure out what kind of technology that the humans used to build this. How could we have not suspected this?"

Bronte stepped forward. "I agree with Miss Foster. The maze seemed like it had existed since I was born. I do not believe that during the time that the humans knew that we existed, they could've used our technology to build something like this. And if they did, the old council would have suspected it."

"That makes sense." Sir Tiergan said.

"I think we need to go over the details of what the Black Swan's dwarves found. We need to understand what led us to this discovery. Is that alright with everybody?" Mr.Forkle stepped in.

"I think it would be a good idea," Emery replied. The others agreed with him.

"Alright then. The dwarves of the black swan were sent on this mission because we've started to notice earthquakes happening all over the world including in the Lost Cities and in the Forbidden Cities. I've been doing research on where these earthquakes have been happening throughout the world." Mr.Forkle explained, taking out a map, filled with the Lost Cities and the Forbidden Cities.

"You see that area over there," he said, pointing toward the United States. "Humans call that area the United States. Miss Foster used to live here," he says pointing to San Diego. " According to my research, there has been more earthquakes in New York," he pauses, pointing to New York, "has been suffering earthquakes about three times a week, and this has been going on for about two and a half weeks. The epicenter of the earthquakes is in a city called Manhattan," he gestures towards the small dot that is labeled in English and the enlightened language, " I've been looking through the human's news, broadcasts, scientists theories, to what is causing these earthquakes. The weird thing is, in that region in the world, geographically and scientifically, there are no fault lines in that area. Meaning that there is only one tectonic plate in that region. There are no multiple ones so they can grind against each other. Unless another one appeared."

" Okay, but what could've caused a new tectonic plate to appear? There are no volcanoes in that region either." I say, remembering what I learned in science class in the Forbidden Cities.

"You see, now that's what i've been wondering about." Mr.Forkle says tapping a finger on his head.

I stare at the map, my eyebrows trying to think of an explanation to this. Then I think about telling them my theory.

"Okay. I think I might have an idea. But please don't laugh at me."

Most people looked at me in confusion, and I couldn't blame them.

"When I used to live in the Forbidden Cities, in the schools that I went to, they would tell the students about mythology." I looked at everyone, they were narrowing their eyes at me. I sighed.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now