Shakespeare Reacting/Comforting S/O / MC Who Self-Harms

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TW: Implied/Brief Mentions/Undertones of Self-Harm


> Will has been surrounded by tragedy all his life, that's a fact

> He wrote countless tales revolving around it and experienced it himself

> But when he found out that you were living your own? It.. struck something within him, something unpleasant

> In some ways he may understand, not fully of course, but there are bits and pieces that might resonate with him

> Swallows any thirst he may have (if there's any blood involved) and kisses your wounds. Doesn't matter what it may be, he's going to pour every ounce of love he can into that kiss before leaving a trail of lighter pecks up until he reaches your hand.

> "My fair maiden..." he whispers, voice as soothing and soft as ever. He gently lifts the hand that he'd just kissed up to his cheek, his other, free hand cupping your own. He says nothing more, mismatched eyes staring into yours with notes of seriousness and, most importantly, overflowing love.

> His warm fingers that rested on your cheek brushed away any tears that stained your face, then he placed a kiss on your forehead, dropping the hand he held and moving his arms into a position to lift you off your feet

> He carried you to bed, sitting you down before walking off for a moment, returning with Puck in one hand and any needed bandages/medicine in the other

> While you pet the furry bunny Will fixes you up (if need be) before taking a seat next to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder, the warmth of his body enveloping yours - calming you even if just a little.

> He just holds you, sometimes switching between rubbing your sides/shoulders/back to simply holding you while continuously pressing kisses to your temple and the top of your head every so often

> If you talk he listens to every word, never interrupting you once, not until you've finished relaying your woes to him. He'd then go on to give his thoughts and such, things that he thinks will help you.

> If you don't say anything that's alright too, whatever you're comfortable with. He'll stay be your side for as long as you need, petting Puck with you in a comforting silence before retiring to bed with you.

> The days to come Will writes you little poems and such for you to read. They're always sappy but they warm your heart. You also find that Puck ends up in your lap more often than previously :)

> Reminds you all through out the day and before bed every night how much he loves you through his words.

> As the playwright holds you close to his chest (if you'll allow him), Shakespeare recites words of love to you, such as no matter what may happen you'll always be the brightest and most beautiful flower among them all in his eyes and that he'll love you no matter what.

> Anytime that you may tell him that any of those things he just told you aren't true he always replies "Ah, but it is..." then snuggles into the crook of your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin and his arms tightening in their embrace.

> Perhaps before he may have used this, what you're feeling, as new material for a play, but after everything that the two of you have gone through, after you changed his tragic life into one of romance, he won't - he just can't.

> He genuinely cares for you and would do absolutely anything to keep the shining smile he loves dearly on your face :)

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