Similarities In Art {Vincent x Reader}

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"Mm? What are you painting (Y/N)?" Vincent hummed, stepping into his lover's bedroom. He hadn't seen her anywhere around the mansion all day, but then remembered it was her day off, so Vincent figured she would be in her room. Thankfully, he was right.

Surprisingly, he didn't receive the usual cheerful answer he'd get. Instead his question was met with the only sound in the room - the sound of a paint brush colouring a canvas.

A similar scenario popped into his mind as he closed the door behind him. It was the exact same situation, only the roles were reversed. A small smile played on his lips at the mere thought of it.

Eyes that resembled a clear blue sky trained on her figure, the way her hands flowed with each stroke, the cute, concentrated expression she was making as all her attention was fixated on her work. The sun from her bedroom window filtered in rays, seemingly illuminating her entire form in an aura.

Vincent couldn't help but find her absolutely breathtaking in that moment, though there never really was a time where he didn't think of her like that.

It took awhile for him to finally leave his spot by her door, not wanting to miss a single detail of how she looked in this candid moment. Heck, he still didn't know what colours were mixed together to make whatever it was she was painting.

So Vincent was certainly surprised when his blue orbs were met with an artwork that had an uncanny resemblance to something he would paint.

Though paired with that surprise was amazement along with a feeling of awe at the talent and beauty laid out before him.

Still having yet to notice him, (Y/N) nearly shrieked when lithe arms spun around her torso, the action so startling that the paint brush in her hand ended up slipping from her fingers.

"Oh!" Reaching down Vincent picked up the small wooden brush, one that's usually used for the finer details in a painting, and handed it back to her while offering a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you schatje." Taking the paint brush from slender and delicate fingers she returned his smile with one of her own.

"It's alright Vincent, but, what brings you here? When did you get here?" (Y/N) questioned, curiosity within her (e/c) eyes.

"Just now, I wanted to see you..." the blond sweetly whispered, nuzzling into the crook of her neck from behind. His eyes trailed back up to the painting and Vincent's smile grew a little more, "but then I saw you painting and... I wanted to watch!"

"Really? Well, you can keep watching if you'd like..." despite being a little flustered, (Y/N) could never deny him something as innocent and loving as this. Besides, she's watched him paint numerous times, it's only fair.

The smile she received back seemed to make the whole room brighter, erasing any embarrassment she might have had.

While Vincent silently watched from behind as (Y/N) concentrated on the work of art, a single question continued to gnaw at the back of his mind. Why did her painting look like something I would paint?

He's seen a lot of paintings in this life of his and not one of them adapted his art style. So why did her's? He's not mad, oh no never, he's simple curious. Could it just have been an unconscious habit she picked up from watching him paint so many times?

Even though the question kept swirling around, Vincent couldn't help the nervousness that clawed at his chest. Would she not like him asking such a thing? He didn't know what prompted the idea, and it may have made him a tad anxious, but he still felt the strong need to know.

"(Y/N)?" he whispered soothingly, catching her attention, "why... um, why does your painting look like mine? Like something that I would paint?" Vincent could feel her body tense a little in his hold but she stayed quiet.

How was (Y/N) suppose to tell him that she use to study him when she was still in the 21st century? (Y/N) knew he'd understand if she explained herself but regardless it's still a little embarrassing....

Vincent took her silence as her not wanting to answer, but just as he opened his mouth to speck the human within his gentle hold turned slightly, her (e/c) eyes meeting with his own blue ones.

"I use to study art when I was in school a few years back, before I came to the 19th century and met you. I couldn't get my hands to paint how I wanted them to - my paintings never turning out how I envisioned them - so I tried to find another art style." she explained, cheeks reddening with every word. "That's when I found yours. When I went to paint with your style in mind everything just started working, like it was the final, crucial piece to a puzzle. Since it worked out so well for me I decided to just go with it and paint that way, figuring that it would be fine because at the time, you were long dead."

She took a breath, finishing her explanation to the Dutch painter. Not knowing what to expect it shocked her when all Vincent's reaction was the widening of his eyes before going back to normal, a nod and placing his chin back on her shoulder with a small smile adorning his face.

"Thank you for telling me (Y/N)" she raised an eyebrow.

"You're not... weirded out or anything?" Vincent quickly shook his head - he was far from that.

"Never. If anything, I'm honored that you could find your talent with my paintings..." He blushed. The blond's words played in her head once more before she returned his smile and went back to painting.

This was her ideal painting environment, the warm breeze that flowed through the open window and the man she loved dearly with her, his sunflower and sunshine scent calming the atmosphere. If both of them could have it their way, (Y/N) and Vincent would stay forever in this moment.

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