"No Shit Sherlock" (Angst Version) {Arthur x Reader}

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Same prompt - just less light hearted.

Bring tissues...


"Are you scared of me?"

His question rang out in the empty hall, the pouring rain from outside drowning out most of his voice. The usual teasing tone he wore was long gone, replaced with sorrow and dread - fear.

Fear that the woman in front of him truly does cower for who and what he is.

Albeit knowing that's exactly the reason, because he barred his fangs and showed her another side of him, Arthur still denies it - hoping against everything that he'd be able to grasp something that has the possibility of fixing the mess he's made.

(Y/N) laughed joylessly at his inquiry. You're smart, she thinks, what do you think?

Despite her thoughts, she sighs and answers him directly, eyes unable to meet his - instead they stared off to the side.

"No shit Sherlock, of course I am..." the vampire winces, both at her words and at the name. The name of the man that he created, created to be exactly what he believed he was not. The man that was better in every single way, and the man that was destined to haunt Arthur for the rest of his extended life.

"Tell me how to make it better. How can I make it so you don't see me as nothing more than a monster? We could be friends if tried!" His voice stared to become pleading - desperate.

Another bitter laugh echos in his ears.

"I wish there was a way Arthur, I really do, but you killed your chance on night one of my arrival..." another blow to Arthur's heart. Had she really been that scared since the beginning? Was she really just faking being nice to him this whole time?

The male must admit though, it would be rather horrifying to be suddenly pressed up against a kitchen counter and threaten with being bitten. So, perhaps (Y/N) wasn't faking, but rather she was offering him another opportunity to make things better, to make things right.

The mystery writer was about to open his mouth, maybe to agree with her or maybe to try and apologize for that incident too, maybe even both, but she beat him too it.

"No... I take that back. Maybe you lost the chance for us to be acquaintances or friends or anything else with the bullshit you just tried to pull. I mean, what did you think would happen Arthur?" His thoughts flashed to a few moments prior, before either found themselves in the hallway.

They were both in his room and he had practically pinned her - trapped her - under him on his miniature couch with no where to go and no where to run and be safe from the monster that stands in front of her now.

What did he think would come out of that scenario? What was his goal? To scare her? Yes - to warn her about himself and the other residents.

But why did he go the route he went? He could have told her any other way and yet he resorted to that?


Maybe... he really is a monster?

Blue eyes couldn't leave the figure in front of them, and although she could see the anguish in his deep blue hues, she kept going - for once taking his advice.

To being cautious, to stay away.

"Just... I think it'd be best if we stayed away from each other. I won't tell Le Comte about any of this, just... please..."

As he watched her walk away, a little faster than normal, the rain became muffled as it fell on deafening ears. Slow streams of tears made their way down his cheeks, the realization starting to set in...

Arthur Conan Doyle just blew his only chance to get close to someone he, for once, actually had an interest in - all because he was afraid.

Afraid that his insecurities would take control and scare her off somehow.

And unfortunately, his fears became reality... honestly Arthur doesn't blame her for running off.

There's no one else to blame for his foolish actions but himself after all.

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