Right To Her Side {Theo x Reader}

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This is my work for Theo's Route Countdown Party (hosted by @delicateikemenmemes) that's been happening over on Tumblr. Yesterday (Oct. 5) was Fluff Day with Theo & MC.

Summary: Even after years of separation, a good boy named King recognized the smell of Theo's other Hondje.

Warning(s): None! (Well, technically there's a tad bit of angst... but it gets fluffy at the end I promise)


The constant tug of King's leash kept Theo on his toes, the golden retriever much more hyper on his walk today compared to any other. Leaves of many colours crunched beneath them as they strolled through the streets of 21st century Paris, the sights and sounds both different and similar to the old, 19th century version they were so use to.

As of right now he has everything he could ever wish for, his older brother, Vincent, his not-friend friend Arthur and his job as an art dealer. To most, it was a win-win all around the table when you have family, friends and a job.

Except it wasn't, far from it actually. Theo didn't have her - the dumb knabbeltje that stole his heart forever ago and yet still decided to part from his side.

In retrospect, he had no one to blame but himself. If he wanted her to stay he should've admitted the feelings that had blossomed during that singular month with her, it would've given her a reason not go through that damn time traveling door.

So why the hell didn't he? Was he actually afraid of rejection?

Another yank from the dog at his hip, his tail wagging happily as he tried to run through a nearby park. Deep sea blue eyes trailed the path his dog wanted to go.

Discovering that it was the usual path that his pup always took when they walked on this road, Theo idly followed King. Without fail the golden retriever always brought him to the entrance of a famous museum - Le Louvre. He never did understand why King came to this particular spot, sniffed and then whined, apparently not finding what he was looking for.

In all honestly Theo would love to browse fine art with his lovable companion, yet unfortunately the museum denied entry to pets.

Sighing deeply the Dutch man crouches to the ground, scratching behind King's floppy ear.

"Sorry boy, you can't go in there" the dog tilted it's head, tongue lolling out before unexpectedly making a beeline for the entrance, knocking Theo to the ground and allowing the leash to slip from his grasp.

Scrambling to his knees, the vampire was just able to witness King rush into the building before disappearing.

"Ah shit..."


Inside, the atmosphere was quiet and calm, like it always is. Many leisurely walked around, stopping whenever a particular art piece caught their eye.

For her though, the painting she gazed at wasn't because of what it looked like but rather who painted it. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci.

The Italian man's name alone opened a whole casket of memories from a few years prior. The time she spent with some of histories greatest figures, where a bond quickly turned from nothing to gold.

Especially with him.

Theodorus van Gogh. He had a larger part of her heart occupied, something more than any of the others would ever get a glimpse of. The rare kindness he showed his friends, the unexpected sweet tooth he possessed (which honestly could border on unhealthy sometimes), the roundabout way he complimented those around him.

And his smile. Oh his smile could melt the coldest of hearts and was even rarer than his kindness. Not his usual, devilish smirk, no, a genuine smile. Something only she got to see the night before she left.

"I'm gonna miss you Hondje"

All these qualities of his left her heart thundering loudly.

"I miss you Theo, every bit of you..." she muttered, intending to hold onto every precious moment she'd shared with him for the rest of her life.

The watch she wore read 5:45PM and she turned to leave the museum, ready to go home for the evening. No doubt will she visit this place tomorrow, the sentiment behind the location strong enough to come back again.

Just as she made it out of the museum the sound of rushing steps bounding towards her caught her attention, a furry friend jumping up and down and barking loudly at her feet in the next second, the owner not far behind.

"Down boy!" he commanded, grabbing hold of the dog's collar, pulling him down. Swallowing some much needed air, Theo looked up with the intent to apologize for the sudden attack on them when every word died in his throat.

Her name uttered from his lips breathlessly, and her eyes widened, realizing who it was.

"Is it really you Hondje?" he asked, hand coming up to cup her cheek, his touch the most gentle it has ever been. Was he truly able to see her again after centuries of waiting?

"Yeah... yeah it's me..." she smiled, placing a hand on his chest and another over his larger one.

For the next few heart racing moments the two simply stared into each other's eyes, it being the only thing they could bring themselves to do, too stunned at the reality right in front of them.

Neither knew who started to inch closer first, perhaps it was a mutual move. Still, the fact stood that after so long their feelings for each other were finally being shown through a slow, passion filled kiss.

Let this be real... please... It was their desperate plea to any god that would listen.

When the need for air grew hard to resist, the pair parted, panting slightly. Bringing his free arm around her waist, Theo tugged the woman of his dreams closer, leaning his forehead against her's.

"Never leave my side again, got it Hondje?" Despite the underlying harshness in his tone, his eyes portrayed a whole different, stronger, emotion. Love.

"I promise Theo"

Two simple words with the sound of his name and that soft smile he revealed to her before appeared again.

And it certainly wasn't going to be for the last time as long as he stayed with her, something he planned to do until the day he died.

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