General Adoptive Daughter!MC & Leonardo Relationship HCs

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Requested by Anon on Tumblr:

So I just found your platonic teenage MC and Leonardo post and I absolutely adore it OMG 🥺, the way you wrote Leonardo as a father figure was so great! Could I maybe request some general headcanons for this adoptive father daughter duo?

Something you need to know before reading - the scenario Anon mentioned has it where the MC is building a model w/ Leo so some points in this will be under the idea that she likes to build things too.

I also made these general enough that you could see the MC be either from the 19th century or the 21st while still keeping the main focus of what a father/daughter relationship with Leo is like (you'll know what I mean once you read them - probably)


- First and foremost, even if you're adopted/staying for just a single month he will treat you like you're his own flesh and blood. In his eyes you're family no matter what (sorry I don't make the rules)

-> But moving on-

-> He is such a relaxed dad

-> Sometimes you think he's a little too relaxed...

-> Never gets mad at you either, there's very few things that gets this man upset.

-> Like if you were to accidentally break something of his he'd just pat your head/shoulder and tell you that these things happen before going on his merry way

-> He'll muss up your hair/pat your head a lot in general - it's his way of showing affection

-> Supports whatever route in life you take, if it makes you happy go for it. Your life is so short, you should spend it doing what you love.

-> Like in the scenario mentioned at the beginning, Leonardo would definitely call you topolina or even passerotta - rarely ever calling you by name unless the situation called for a more serious note.

-> Leo teases you a lot too about anything he can. Your eyes linger on a particularly cute boy/girl/person? He'll chuckle and lean down so only you'd be able to hear him and say something along the lines of "something catch your eye, topolina?"

-> Teaches you all he knows on any topic if you show even the slightest interest in it (or asks the other residents if he's not that knowledgeable on it/feels they could teach it better than him)

-> Takes you out into town whenever he goes for work, both as a learning and bonding experience - dropping tips for building/fixing things that the books don't tell you.

-> (Even if you're not aspiring to be an architect/something along those lines he'll still do the above point as sort of a life skill if you're on your own and need to repair something.)

-> Also as another bonding activity he'd randomly show up at your door and be like "you wanna build a castle model???"

-> Moderately and spontaneously spoils you.

-> You'll never know when something will catch his eye in a store that he thinks you might like, leading him to buy it for you. On more than one occasion have you received something from him only to be left confused because he hands it to you so nonchalantly

-> You have to deal with him falling asleep all the time, especially while you guys are working on a model cause he likes to sit back and let you work on your own.

-> One time he fell asleep and ended up leaning onto you, crushing you under him. You were only able to get out and breath once again when Comte walked by and saw you in need.

-> Not the best at comforting but not the worst either. Somethings he knows exactly what to say (which is most of the time) and then there are the rare times he's lost.

-> He may be the master of all trades but there are still going to be things that aren't his forte!

-> By no means though will he not lend an ear and listen to any troubles you have - cause he will listen and give advice where he can

-> For some reason I feel like if he ever saw you roaming the mansion's halls looking upset he'd sweep you up into his arms and hang you upside down as a way to try and make you laugh

-> I also think Leo is the kind of parent to watch from afar at times while still being close to you (if that makes sense).

-> He wants you to be able to rely on him while still not being smothered or feel like you have no freedom with him - something I think he felt a little with his own family.

-> Depending on if you're from the 21st century or not but Leonardo would be sad when he'd have to say goodbye. Yes he could see you again but it'd be the pain of having to live another 200 years before he could.

-> Similarly if you're from the 19th century he'd feel a twinge of sadness at seeing you grow up. It reminds him that you're human and you could be taken away from him at any point.

-> Of course he'd protect you to the best of his ability, anything to keep you safe.

-> Leo wants you to live out your human life as long as possible, to experience the wonders of being alive. Something he doesn't have and something he doesn't want you to take for granted.

-> In somewhat relation to the above

-> REFUSES (and I can't emphasize this enough) to turn you into a vampire

-> Would also kick Comte's ass if he even suggested it to you

-> But on a more lighter note!

-> If you were to ever bring home a s/o he'd ask them a couple questions threaten them that if they hurt you they're dead before teasing you about it

->"Isn't that the one you stared at on the street?"

->"daaaAAD!!!" *combusts*

-> Also by default you're close with Comte too (who also views you as a daughter)

-> Overall a very wholesome and laid back relationship is shared between you two :)

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