Warm, Spring, Kitten Cuddles {Jean}

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Summary -- As the title says, warm cuddles with Cherie in Spring <3 OR Jean being at peace, reminiscing about the time that he first got Cherie while cuddling her <3

Note -- This is my work for day 1 of Jean's Route Countdown Party [Jean & Cherie] hosted by @delicateikemenmemes over on Tumblr :)


A gentle, cool smelling breeze flowed through the slight opening of the bedroom window.

'Cherie...' The tiger cub's name echoed in the depths of Jean's mind, the white and black feline pressed flushed to his side as he lay on his back in bed. One of his hands rested on his stomach, languid and unmoving, save for every time he took a calming breath of spring air; in and out. His other palm found itself nestled by Cherie's head, lithe fingers rhythmically scratching behind her ear.

For once, Le Comte's mansion was quiet, so, for once, Jean can think in peace while in the comforts of his own room, his single, uncovered eye fixated on staring out of the skylight.

To be honest, it was a real miracle that the two were able to grow this close - Jean and Cherie that is. The Frenchman can never forget those first few turbulent weeks following the day he received her: especially how she was. It was unthinkable that she would ever get as close to him as she is now.

Vivid recounts of the times that her striped tail would flick back and forth in warning, how her fur would stand on end, accompanied by the sound of a feral hiss or growl every time Jean or any other person or animal came just a little too close. Her ears would twitch at every little noise that echoed in the room and halls as she stayed curled in the darkest corner of his room, remaining as small as she possibly could.

The lesser vampire shouldn't have expected anything more (which, in fact, he didn't). When he first arrived at his new home he didn't exactly warm up instantly either. Perhaps, though, that was a sign that they were meant to be together, both found their new home unbearable to be in. They stayed at a distance.

Though, unlike when Jean first arrived and all the residents approached him at the beginning, he's making it so Cherie may come around when she's ready, when it's on her terms.

It was slow, he'll admit, but he was patient. Jean didn't mind waiting however long it took for the little kitten to warm up - nothing happened in a day after all. Even when Mozart would scoff and say that it's no use, that if the feline hadn't become friendly after two weeks then she never would. Or when Napoleon would cast him sympathetic looks when he told him how she still wouldn't allow him to pet her.

He waited. He still gave her food and water, laid it out in front of her to take it when she so desired, as well as opened his door for her to roam to the great outside when she had to. Animals are like people in many ways, that's how Jean grasped the concept. That's how he saw the other pets that belonged to his 'roommates', so to speak. Sometimes, they wished to be left alone, sometimes they craved affection.

Cherie, logically, would be the same. She had feelings too, and right now, she felt the need to be alone and on guard. Jean would wait as long as it took, even if, in the end, the tiger would never come around. No matter how many times that unnamed, yet dull thud of pain spread through his chest every time she would back away from his outstretched hand.

But, in the end, he's eternally thankful that he waited. Had he pushed himself onto her, perhaps it would have doubled or tripled the time it took to take that first step forward. The day that Cherie willingly walked up to the mysterious, dark figure that sat on the edge of the bed, slouched and head in his hands with a frown on his face, that moment will forever be burned into his memory. The feel of her rubbing up against his leg for the first time, an almost concerned 'mew' rumbling from her being. It sparked a new, unfamiliar feeling in his chest. Warm and fuzzy.

It was the stepping stone to the start of the relationship they have now, to the trust they've built between each other to get it to where it is now. Where the small tiger will cuddle right up against his side instead of just his foot or leg, to where she'll allow him to pick her up, to where she'll wait at his door for him to get back from town; something akin to a smile on her furry little face, and, most importantly, to where Cherie will let Jean scratch and rub the most vulnerable parts of her (stomach and behind the ear).

"Thank you, Cherie..." Jean found himself whispering, a small, content and free smile forming on his face as he continued to lazily pet the cub, unconsciously basking in the feeling of being unburdened by anything. And this feel stayed with him until dinner rolled around, many, many hours later. He didn't mind it though, his cute little companion will be here, waiting for him to get back to his room so she can cuddle right back up with him for the night.

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