Fracture {Arthur x Reader}

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Day 7 of Creatober 2020 (hosted by @givethispromptatry on Tumblr)

Day 7: Fracture

Summary: It's just a sprain, she told herself for the ninth time that morning. One look at it though and the writer is already carrying her off.


'It's just a sprain, walk it off...' she reminded herself, wincing as she took another step, maneuvering a little clumsily around the kitchen. Sebastian was in the other room already, handing out various breakfast meals to the residents with her being tasked to bring the Rouge and Blanc out for them all.

There was a pleasant surprise to be found that morning - that all of the mansion's vampires would be at the table for breakfast, a rare thing indeed. The thought of so many people seeing her in this, injured and probably in need of medical care, was the added motivation needed to not show this weakness in front of them or make a fool out of herself.

Especially in front of Arthur.

'Deep breath... Now go' Lifting the tray, the human pushed past the kitchen doors, a few pairs of eyes turning her way. One stuck out, the eyes of her lover. Blue orbs watched her every movement and if it wasn't for focusing on not falling, (Y/N) would have seen that the writer had a worried look in his eye.

Right off the bat he could tell something was off. The way she carried herself was wobbly compared to the day before and her smile was strained. These little things were well hidden, but the part of him that's observed her so much, to commit ever detail of her to memory, picked up on the ques quickly.

Now, does he speak up right this instant or does he wait until after breakfast? Perhaps he could just pull her aside when she passes him and ask then?

In the midst of weighing the pros and cons of his options, the resident's sunshine boy pipes up, voice just above a whisper, intending to keep the exchange solely between the two. Fortunately, Arthur was sat directly across from him, so the writer was able to eavesdrop without a problem.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Vincent questioned, staring at her with concern clear in his eyes.

"I'm fine, really. Please, just enjoy breakfast, alright?" she insisted, forcing another smile. The blond was hesitant but in the end nodded, returning to wolfing down his stack of pancakes. When she turned her back, Arthur took a peek around the table to see for himself, figuring the way she was acting had something to do with her legs or feet.

He was right.

And she was, in fact, not fine.

Motioning Sebas over, Arthur whispered in his ear and waited. When he got a nod of approval from the butler, he called over his lover.

"Luv? Can you come here please?"

"Mm? What is it Arthur?" The second she was at his side the writer stood and picked her up bridal style, whisking off to his room.


She couldn't look him in the eye, embarrassment welling up inside. Of course her boyfriend would be able to tell if she was hurt or not, and judging by the way he was acting it wasn't too bad, but not good either.

"You've fractured one of your metatarsal bones. You'll just have to rest up and avoid walking on it for two months, at least..." he spoke, tone professional, almost like he was a doctor once more. Arthur grabbed an old, tucked away medical kit and pulled out something to help with the healing of the bones. The entire time he worked, elevating it her foot and laying her down on his bed, a somber expression was painted all over his face, he too refusing to look at her.

Why didn't he notice earlier? The pained faced she was making back in the dining room flashed through his mind causing him to grit his teeth. Could he have prevented her from having to go through such agony if he had just payed more attention? What if-


The sound of his name being called brought him back to reality, old scars fading for the moment. A hand reached up, cupping his cheek, a warmth emitting as soon as her skin made contact. God the feeling alone was enough to make him feel better.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, but it's not your fault, alright?" she soothed, stroking his cheek softly.

"Ah, you're quiet preceptive my dear~" he teased with a cheeky smile. It's not really surprising though, considering who she feel in love with.

"I learned from the best" she shot back, pulling him down by his tie into a quick kiss, something he gladly returned.

"Next time luv, tell me if you're hurt, okay?"

"Okay Arthur, I promise"

Two months later, with minimal walking, she was back on her feet, good as new. All thanks to her loving writer/doctor boyfriend <3

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