Shooting Stars On An Indigo Canvas {Vincent x Reader}

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Upon a hilltop, one that can only be found by traveling through the forest, two lovers lay beside each other, the grass tickling any exposed skin it could reach on them. In the small gap between them rested their intertwined fingers, eyes staring up at the star filled space.

Every once in awhile one of them would point out a constellation from the sea of stars, it being (Y/N) more often than not since Vincent wasn't as knowledgeable on them as her, only knowing a few here and there. That fact didn't stop him from having fun though. At the same time it was still relatively silent, only the warmth of their shared hands and the whispers of a gentle breeze accompanying it, creating a peaceful atmosphere all around.

Somewhere in between gazes, (Y/N) chanced a looked towards her blond ray of sunshine, breath hitching at the sight of how the pale moonlight illuminated his features just enough to make him even more ethereal than when in the daytime. Sensing eyes on him, Vincent's blue eyes that resembled the colour of a clear afternoon sky meet (e/c) ones, his orbs widening when he realized she was looking at him instead of the stars.

"Why are you staring?" his cheeks turned a light pink colour when a warm giggle resounded in the quiet air. God does he love the sound of her laughter.

"I'm sorry Vincent... but how could I not when you look so beautiful?" It didn't matter how many times she would compliment him, her words always have the same effect. Some days, when she's just too nice to him, the dutch painter feels like his heart might just burst from the love he receives.

He only hopes that he makes her feel the same way.

In an attempt to hide his growing blush, lithe arms wrapped themselves around (Y/N)'s waist, pulling her flush against his warm chest and her head falling right where his heart would be. The way that his heart pounded at such fast pace told her exactly the effect her words had on him.

"What if I told you I felt the exact same way you do? That I find beauty in everything you do or say and that you shine brighter than the sun itself." His words, which were no doubt ten times sweeter than her own, caused red to bloom all along her cheeks and she buried her face further into him. This elicited a chuckle from Vincent, his hand tangling itself into her hair. Another thing he loved was the cute face she made when she was flustered.

"Can I kiss you?" he added after a moment, voice much quieter than before and a serious look in his eye. By now, a good chunk of (Y/N)'s blush had subsided and she could think straight again.

"Of course you can, you don't have to ask..." Dipping his head, their lips connected in a slow and tender kiss that grew more passionate with ever second. Soon though, when the need for air was too strong, they parted, foreheads leaning on one another. During the kiss Vincent ended up pushing her back onto the grass, hovering above her with the stars in the sky reflecting in her eyes.

As he went in for another kiss (Y/N) peered up past behind him, eyes widening at something he could not see.

"A shooting star..." she breathed.

True enough, there high up was a streak of white passing through the indigo coloured night. Righting themselves into a sitting position with (Y/N) in between Vincent's legs, her head rested against his chest once more.

"Make a wish Vincent." she whispered, silently making a wish herself. That no matter what happens in the future, she wants the man that has her heart, body and destiny to always be happy, to be able to go to bed at night without having any burden on his heart. It is, after all, what he deserves.

"What did you wish for?" the painter asked, breath tickling the shell of her ear.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you since I want it to come true..." she sighed, a gentle smile on her lips. Vincent, touch as gentle as ever, turns her to face him with a hand on her cheek and presses a light peck on her forehead, a smile that rivals a thousand suns appearing.

"Okay... I love you. And I hope your wish comes true."

"I love you too Vincent... I hope yours comes true too." Placing one final kiss on his lips, (Y/N) looked back out at the city of Paris and the night sky with the one she held closest to her heart beside her.

Something that she didn't know was that Vincent's wish was the same as her's, for her kind smile and spirit to never falter. Part of him was glad that he didn't say his wish out loud, for he too, wanted it to come true more than anything in that moment. And as they sat there continuing to be entranced by the stars, deep down he knew it would happen as long as they stayed at each others side.

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