"Thanks Dad" {Leonardo x Platonic!Teen!MC/Reader}

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i'm a sucker for platonic teenage mc. could i maybe have a scenario where mc is v close to leo and accidentally calls him dad. maybe they're building something together and it just slips out? and she gets all embarrassed about it but leo thinks it's quite cute and he already mentally adopted her anyways??

(i hope this made sense!! i'm just soft for platonic relationships and the suitors being family figures for mc and leo just seems like such solid father material)

Note: I used an the Italian term topolina in this, which, from my research, is a term of endearment that translates to 'little mouse'


Leonardo da Vinci's room is a mess, that's a given, but it was peaceful - quiet, a space one could immerse themselves in with a hobby as a form of pass time. In a way, his room was like a library when the silent rule is followed to a T.

And it was here that she could construct with a clear mind, no honking of cars nor sounds of people from outside whatsoever. It was heaven for an aspiring architect like herself.

"Just like that, easy now..." he murmured, watching with hawk like eyes from the sidelines as the girl worked independently, putting the skills he's taught her the past two weeks into practice. At the beginning of this little project they were working together, but about halfway through Leonardo fell asleep...

Carefully, strategically, the teen applied the last wood piece, completely the couple hour long build.

Taking a step back to stand beside him, she waits with bated breath, like the slightest change in wind could cause it to crumble. Yet when it held strong, a bright smile split across her face, Leonardo mirroring it with one of his own.

"Brava topolina, you've done it. On your own too" he chuckled, mussing up her hair playfully. She rolled her eyes, gently brushing his hand off her head. In no way though did that stop him from wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a side hug.

"You helped, remember? We started the plane model together..." she reminded him.

"Maybe so, but you did most of the work and finished it. That's worth something, you did good kid." his praise caused her eyes to widen, his tone holding the warmest note that he's ever used toward her since her arrival. All the other times where he's recommended books on topics she's interested in, when he taught her certain trades or brought her out to town pale in comparison to this very moment of bonding.

As she turned her gaze at the subject of their shared work, something they technically did together, a pleasant feeling filled her heart. Quietly, she whispered her thanks.

"...thanks dad, that... means a lot to me..."

There was a beat of silence before the severity of her words sank in, and a panicked expression morphed onto her face. 'I did not just say that!?'. Leo's brows rose in surprise as well, he too never expected to be called dad, before returning to the usual calmness of his.

It's true that the appearance of this girl from the future was a strange and different experience to him, a whole new world in some way. Yes, while in the past he's gotten close to mortals of all kinds, adults, children and teens just like her, none of them could connect on a special level like this. There was never someone who he could just click with when it comes to sharing a hobby or two. Someone he could pass his vast knowledge of information down to to add to their own.

When she came along though she became exactly that person he was lacking in his life. She was the perfect mix of educated while still having room to grow and learn.

And yet he never could find an explanation as to why exactly he felt that way with her. What made her different from the others?

"Sorry, I, um, I didn't mean-" she stuttered, so embarrassed she felt like she was overheating. Despite everything though, he didn't mind, and the master of all trades kept their wholesome hug going.

"Kinda like the sound of that..." he chuckled, gazing down at her.

"O-oh... can I... uh, keep calling you that?"

"Sure, I'd like that. Now, what do you want to build next?"

Maybe that was the answer - that the relationship they've built was akin to familial, she was someone he allowed to be just a little closer than anyone else. Why? Maybe because she knew the secret of the mansion, that he and the resident's aren't human, leading him to feel like he doesn't have to hold anything back, that he can be himself.

And that alone allowed him to feel just a little bit alive again.

The thought itself kept the smile on his face as he watched her look for another kit to construct, and it crossed his mind that he'd do literally anything to keep her safe with a happy look on her face like she has now.

Anything at all...



"You really are a papà now, huh, Leonardo?" Comte smiled, a teasing look in his eye.

"Quiet 'Comte'"

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