Arthur, Issac & Mozart w/ a Chubby!Confident!Reader HCs

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I added Isaac and Mozart since I had some ideas for them :)

HCs aren't my forte but I hope these are still good!

Arthur Conan Doyle

• Now don't get me wrong, Arthur loves all women no matter what they look like or their personality (unless they're evil like that one Sister from his route - you know the one)

• But when a women has the confidence level of a queen?? You've got him wrapped around your finger.

There's just something about women who aren't like all the others he's been with that really gets him.

• Even if you insulted everything that you could about him the first time you both met.

• It was the boldness in your words and the way you carried yourself without a care what others said that has him infatuated and wanting to know more.

• The first couple interactions with the other residents had him falling on his ass laughing.

• Never has he seen someone make Theo and Wolfie shut up so fast.

• After that he knows exactly when some kind of verbal brawl between her and another resident, most likely Theo, will occur and he kicks back for the show.

• Kind of gets hurt when she says something particularly harsh but brushes it off like he does.

• A week passes and Arthur has figured out that she's a little like Theo in a sense, bitter on the outside but secretly soft on the inside.

• How does he know? Well he's experienced this secret side of her of course!

• It was during one of his self-deprecating moods, his past coming to haunt his thoughts when (y/n) walked in with his dinner, seeing as he skipped out on it.

• The writer was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear her come in until the glass of Rouge was set down beside him, shocking him.

• A flirty line was on the tip of his tongue when a quiet "Hey" came from her, in the softest voice he's every heard from her, that one word silencing him.

"I don't know what the hell is going on in that head of yours but... don't let it consume you. It won't be easy but you gotta push past it and not let it eat at you, that's how it wins..."

• Arthur's breath hitched when the faintest of smiles appeared on her lips, he was sure that he was seeing an actual angel.

• After that it was like clock work and the two were hanging out more and more, going out in town a lot (with Vic too).

• Her advice hit him in a way and like she said, it wasn't easy, but it was a start for him.

• From the very start of their relationship as a couple (y/n) would constantly give Arthur praises anytime he moved forward to forgiving and just bettering himself in general.

• Rewards usually involve kisses and cuddles

• Maybe a little more ;)

• Like I mentioned earlier he doesn't care that you may be a little thicker than the other women in town, it's more for him to love!

• He's honestly so happy that you love your body despite what others may say, he's a very proud boyfriend.

• But even if you do, that won't stop him from loving every inch of you and your body.

• All in all, it's a relationship that includes a lot of love and proud moments for one another :)

Isaac Newton

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