Quotes {Arthur x Reader}

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Stumbling through the mansion's doors, Arthur and (Y/N) were on the brink of collapse, both having just returned from their latest detective adventure.

"I say!" Arthur exclaimed as he leaned against (Y/N) for support, who in turn was leaning against the wall. "That was quite a disaster wasn't it?"

A breathy laugh escaped her lips as she nodded, still catching her own breath.

"You can say that again! And you seemed to be off your game today~" her tone was light and teasing as she shot him a smirk, pushing both of them upright and beginning to make her way to her room with Arthur right behind her.

"Your words wound me love! Must you point it out!" the mystery writer feigned a hurt expression though he couldn't suppress the chuckle that followed.

"Well it's true!" She rolled her eyes, swinging the bedroom door open, smile never leaving her face. Fingers began to unbutton her top before she grabbed her nightgown, the male undoing his own jacket, leaving him in just a white shirt and pants.

Before long they were snuggled together under the silk sheets of the bed, legs intertwined in a tangled mess and bodies pressed up against one another.

"But you must admit," Arthur started, pulling her even closer to his chest, "being chased by two blokes was rather exciting!" The woman within his hold nodded sleepily, snuggling her face against him as she listened to her lover go on to list everything that just didn't go their way that evening.

There was how each lead they got reached a dead end - some leading to really weird places - how they nearly got beaten to a pulp by the guys that chased them and so on. With each thing he recalled, the sleepier she became, the day's events weighing down on her conscious.

And because she was so tired, in a haze she murmured "well, there is nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you..." failing to notice how the bluenette's eyes widened and his arms twitch ever so slightly. He knew that quote, of course he did, he wrote it himself after all.

"Is that so?" He whispered into her ear paired with a low chuckle, "And how do you know that line my dear?" It took a moment for his question to register in her mind, but when it did a tiny alarm bell went off in the back of her mind.

How the hell was she suppose to tell him that she used to - and basically still is - a huge Sherlock Holmes fan? That she's read all of his books at least twice each and sometimes three because they were just that good?

After a long period of silence Arthur thought (Y/N) had fallen asleep - that was until she began to speck. "I've been... a fan of your work ever since I was little... I guess the reference just slipped, sorry..."

In all honesty the lesser-vampire didn't know what to say, what could he say? He was shocked... but at the same time wasn't.

Theo did mention that he once heard her gush about the famed detective to Sebastian one time, yet Arthur just brushed it off at the time though and took it as a mere jest. It also explain why her eyes sparkled when he told her his name at the dinner when she first arrived (which he just assumed was because she was admiring his looks).

Instead of dwelling on it too much, Arthur reigned in the minor shock he felt and just went with the first thing that came to mind. Obviously, it was to lightly tease her.

"It's alright love... but you'll have to tell me more about this obsession in the morning~" (Y/N) just chuckled lowly, lazily smiling at what her love of Sherlock Holmes was called.

Although, he wasn't technically wrong. Only a hardcore fan would remember lines like that.

"Yeah, okay then... but just so you know, I like the author more than his characters..." the male's sea blue eyes widened momentarily, caught off guard once more by her added comment.

(Y/N) didn't notice as her voice trailed off at the end with just a goodnight as her last words, drowsiness finally taking the wheel. Arthur waited until his love's breath turned into even and shallow puffs of air before responding.

"Goodnight love." His eyes had softened as they lingered on her peaceful form, the writer never able to get enough of her.

Closing his own eyes, Arthur's mind was full of nothing but his girlfriend and the thought of how she was probably his biggest fan in the whole world. Not only a fan for his works and characters but a fan of him.

And if was her? If it was her that enjoyed his stories? If it was her that gave praise to his works - to the made up detective? Maybe then, and only then, he didn't mind Sherlock all that much...

And he defiantly didn't mind how much of a Sherlock nerd his lover was either - if anything, he found it absolutely adorable.

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