And As Time Ticks, Stay In My Arms {Comte x MC/Reader}

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"Think you'll still love me even if I'm old and wrinkly?"

"Of course. Until the end."

Credit: writing-reading-bitch-queen on Tumblr

Summary: While the end is inevitable, neither of them want to think about it. Not now.

Warning(s): Ehhh, angst/fluff - the bittersweet kind though.


The consecutive tapping of rain pelting on glass was rather melodic, as well as hypnotic, it's siren sound enough to have her lost in seconds to the sea of thought. Everything from the sight to the smell of rain soothed her mind and body, prompting this type of weather to be her favourite above all else. It was always there to ease the inner turmoil that comes and goes with being mortal, and it's usually enough for her to perish the intrusive thoughts that come with the path she's taken.

Tonight though, it wasn't, if anything the rain made it all the more melancholy. In the years to come, what would become of her and her lover?

"Chère?" a smooth voice called out to her, faint remnant of sleep laced within. Eyes flicking over her shoulder, she watches as the greater vampire sheds the covers and stands, yellow silk nightshirt somehow staying perfectly unwrinkled. Just like him.

Placing his large, warm palms on her waist Le Comte gently tugged her back flushed to his chest, eyes of pure gold joining in on gazing at the Spring shower.

Nothing was said, he knew that his wife would say something when she was ready. Even if she didn't, that was okay, he'd continue to comfort her in ways that he knew how to.

"Do you..." she finally spoke, voice just below a whisper, "do you think you'll still love me even if I'm old and wrinkly?"

"My love, I..." For once Comte didn't know what to say, eyebrows furrowing with a frown forming on his face. The topic was a delicate one, something he didn't like to dwell on too often. The mere idea of some day arriving where he'd have to say goodbye, a time where she'd no longer be by his side, loving him as he loves her wholeheartedly, was just far too painful.

"Please... tell me Comte..." she pleaded, turning to bury her face in the crook of his neck. He smelled homey, like freshly baked bread with a hint of something sweet - but that might just be because he consumes baguettes as much as he does blood.  

When many moments of silence passed with nothing but the rain continuing to pour, Comte finally landed on an answer.

"Of course. Until the end."

He knew that these were his true feelings, that no matter how many full moons pass by, his heart will always stay beating for the woman that's tucked safely in his arms. Even when she isn't anymore.

As of right now they'll each hold the other, hearts crushed by the truth that is their reality, yet knowing full well that when tomorrow comes, this feeling will be gone, they'd go on and have more happy moments.

Perhaps one day he'll ask her to give up her mortality, just so they can have a little more time together. For now, just for right now though, they'll take in each other's warmth, commit it to memory, and vow to never let the other go until it's time itself being the one to do so.

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