[IkeRev] Older Brother HCs (Ray. Fenrir. Luka)

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Requested by stardust-dreamer13 on Tumblr:


Could I please ask for IkeRev HCs for Ray, Fenrir and Luka. What are they like as Older brothers to a younger sister who's still a teenager, 16/17 ish?

Thank you!

Warning(s): Slight spoilers for Fenrir's & Luka's route (nothing major tho), maybe some OOCness since I haven't picked up IkeRev in some time


Ray Blackwell

> Ray's such a calm older brother in the sense that he's both never intruding in on your personal space & gives you your freedom while still being able to know when he has to step up and protect you (even though he wants to protect you all the time)

> Growing up the both of you were close (Fenrir was thrown in that mix too with how often the two boys hung out) But after Ray joined the army, steadily climbing the ranks and you stuck focusing on your studies you guys kind of drifted apart for sometime

> You aren't sure who started it but soon you found yourselves sending each other letters as a way to stay in touch (your letter more often than not having a picture of Belle tucked inside)

> The little kitty loves you by the way - you're his second favourite hooman (it's cause you spoil him with cuddles), Ray'll sometimes get jealous when the feline snuggles up to you because he thinks that his own cat loves you more than him

> One day though you were walking home from school and passed an alleyway, faintly hearing someone baby talk to something. Curiosity got the better of you and that's how you found your older brother, cross legged on the dirty street coddling one too many street cats

> Though you do travel to that particular spot a lot now (usually as a way to procrastinate destress from school (or simply because you love cats like Ray does)) You'll also keep them company when Ray can't

> Ray hates it when you go out late at night since anything could happen to you. It nags at the back of his mind a lot, that one day something might happen to his precious little sister and that he might not be there to save you. Old wounds and feelings resurface at the list of possibilities that come to mind.

> He doesn't want history to repeat itself, he doesn't want to be unable to protect you from danger. So anytime that you visit headquarters and you stay late you either simply stay the night or have an escort take you home. You can choose which option you'd like but Ray's not taking a 'no' as any form of an answer

> Calls you dufus just because he can (but affectionately). Might also ruffle your hair and/or pat you on the shoulder

> You call him an old man because he can't stay up past 10PM (Ray'll then make some kind of comment regarding Sirius and how he's more of an old man, to which you both laugh until the man himself makes his presence behind you known)

> Absolutely the kind of brother to move things you need off a shelf out of your reach before proceeding to walk away with a satisfied smile on his face

> Also the kind of brother to tease you about any cute boys/girls/people that he catches you staring at or gushing about (but he'll stop if you tell him seriously to stop)

> Do you like books? Ray likes books. He has a lot of books. Take a book, please he has too many--

> If you enjoy reading, Ray is constantly recommending you novels, letting you read them before casually asking you your opinion on certain characters or events when you're returning it. But even if you're not an avid reader he may still hand you a book or two that he knows you'll enjoy

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