Chapter 9

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I open my eyes and turn to look at the clock.

It was midnight. I took my phone and dialed Jake's number.

I wanted to speak to him. I waited and waited. But he did not answer.

I called him a few times more. But still he didn't answer.

I was devastated. Where are you Jake when I need you?

But I couldn't blame him. He could be asleep. Well it's midnight..

The quietness seem to make me feel worse. I didn't know what was gonna happen to Dad.

Austin.Wait he was here a few hours ago..

I looked around the room, could he have gone home?

Well he should have.

I got up from my bed and walked out. I looked around.

No sign of Henry and Mom. But a familiar figure was there.

Lying on the couch. Austin was still here.

Suddenly I felt guilt coming in.

Ugh. What's Alexia and Terence gonna say? They'll hate me for this.

They'll think I kidnap their son or something. Gotta wake him up now!

I ran to him."Austin!"

His eyes were still closed with his arms folded.

"Austin!" I called out again.

Austin slowly opened his eyes. Once again those dazzling eyes met the light.

"Jayne." He sat up." Are you alright?" Austin placed his hands on my arms.

Alright? I was dying inside.

But I can't drag Austin into this. He has nothing to do with my family or my troubles.

"I'm alright." I said softly."I'm...sorry."

"For?" He asked.

"I said something unforgivable." I continued."I don't hate you Austin. I never will."

"Then.."He turned to me."What do you feel about me? If it's not hate?"

Feel? About him? What did he mean by that?

"Nevermind." Austin turned away.

"Austin." I said." You're my friend and brother whom I treasure. That's what I feel about you."

Austin didn't turn back to look at me and he just answered with,"Oh."

"Ugh! How could I forget? Austin! Go home now! Alexia and Terrence must be worried sick!" I stood up.

"It's alright." Austin replied.

"No it's not." I told him." Go on home now."

Austin stood up."What about you? I can't just leave you here."

"Yes. You can." I smiled."I..get really sensitive when it comes to my Dad. You see..I love him so much. That's why..I reacted that way..of course I wouldn't say I'm perfectly fine now..but that's about me. Not about you."

"Aren't we friends?" Austin asked.

"Even as friends, there are times we must know when to draw the line. These are matters that I'd have to deal with." I smiled.

"..." Austin walked towards the door.

"Bye." I said.

Suddenly my phone rang.

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