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"Wake up! Wake up!" Ara (my best friend) said, sunshine from the window falls on my face, great way to start the day.

Well, let me first introduce myself, my name is Kang Y/N and today is the first day of our University.

Ara is already dressed and is done with the breakfast. I woke up and did my morning routine and dressed up

As I don't like to dress much so this is what I wore.

As I don't like to dress much so this is what I wore

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"Breakfast is ready come down" Ara said

"Coming!" I replied

We both had our breakfast and then got ready to leave with our backpack and suitcase since we will get our own dorms and roomates.

We reached the University and saw people chatting to each other

While we were walking in the corridor, I bumped into someone

"Oh, I am very sorry" I said

"It's okay"

I lifted my head to see and group of boys standing in front of me ( in other words a group of most beautiful boys I have ever seen lol)

"Y/N, are you okay" said Ara

"I am fine"

"Hello I am Kang Y/N" I said smiling at those boys

"Hello I am Kim Ara" said ara

"Hello, we are BTS" everyone said smiling

"I am RM and I am leader of this group" said a tall looking guy

"I am Jin eldest of the group and you call me world wide handsome" said a handsome looking guy

"I am yoongi and I like to sleep" said a black haired guy

"I am your hope you are my hope I am J Hope" said a cheerful guy

"I am jimin and you can call me chimmy" a short heightened guy said

"I am taehyung and you can call me V" said a blonde hair guy

"Nice to meet you all" I and Ara said at the same time

"Everyone kindly be seated in the auditorium, the assembly will start shortly" someone announced through the speaker

"Let's go together" BTS said

"Yes let's do that" Ara said

We headed to the auditorium and settled at our seats

"Y/N, aren't they handsome?" Whispered Ara in my ear

"Shut up Ara! I mean they are but they are just friends okay?"I whispered back

"Fine! but I can't promise" Ara whispered and giggled a little

"Junkook, you are late!" Said Jin

A guy walked (who might have taken my breathe away) walked towards us

A guy walked (who might have taken my breathe away) walked towards us

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"Oh I got stuck in traffic. well I reached on time"said Junkook

"Junkook this is Kang Y/N and Kim Ara "said RM

"Hello I am Jeon Junkook maknae of BTS"

"Hello nice to meet you" I said

"Yes nice to meet you"said Ara

Then Junkook took his place between Jin and Ara


I got seated between Ara and jin. I will say Y/N is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, she is not too feminine and is totally my type

"Good morning everyone we will start with our assembly, first principal will give a speech and will give you your room number then all the students will head to their room" said the announcer

Assembly took some time and then we got number of our room. I got room number 24

Finally assembly ended and we headed out of auditorium

"I got room number 17" said jimin hyung

"Oh I also got room 17" said Ara

"Great. Then we are sharing room"said jimin hyung

"Yes" said Ara

"Can we head to our room now? I am sleepy" said Suga hyung and everyone laughed

"Yeah Let's go now" RM said

"Everyone there is an announcement. For today there are no classes the roomates can get to know each other for a day and unpack your stuff, the classes will start from tomorrow"

After hearing the announcement we headed to our rooms


I saw Junkook following me so I decided to ask him

"Junkook which room number have you got?"I asked

"Room number 24" he replied

"Oh! I have the number 24 too" I said

"We are roomates then" he said showing me his pretty smile.

"Yes, lest go then" I said and we headed to our room


Author-well it's my first fan fiction so hope you like it

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