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After changing and I took out a face mask and then went to the kitchen. Jungkook was sitting on the sofa watching tv I guess? he changed in the room until I changed.

I went to the kitchen and brought Slices of cucumber and then sat on the sofa beside jungkook. He looked a me and then the things with me.

"What are these?" He said confused.

"Tommorow we have to go on the trip so I decided to do some skincare" I said and he nodded and then again started watching the tv.

I applied the mask on my face and then kept the cucumber on my eyes and laid my head back.


I was watching the tv when my attention went to y/n, sitting with mask and cucumber on. Her head laid back, with exposed neck and her jacket hanging off her shoulder. And the liquid from facepack dripping on her neck.

God does she want to kill me like this or kill me with the pain I feel due to hardness down there? First of all her neck looks so tempting,I just can't stop myself. Secondly her shoulder and he collarbone god, it's intoxicating.

I watched the tv not wanting to see her cause then I won't be able to control myself anymore. Suddenly she removed the mask and got up

She went somewhere and then came back with a cream in her hand. I looked at front and she stood near me so I asked

"What happened?" I said and she looked down I guess she is embarrassed to tell or maybe akward?

"U-um actually I want to apply this cream on my back but my hands aren't reaching so......." And she left the sentence over there and I knew what she meant

"So you want me to apply it?" I said and she nodded slowly. I smiled and took the cream from her hand.

She sat in front of me and slowly lifted her top from the back but I couldn't apply it because it was coming in between so I said

"It's not quite helping, you lifting your top" I said and I think her face turned red as I said that. But slowly she removed her top and she was only in her strapless bra.


I removed my top and he started applying it. God I feel so embarrassed!! Suddenly his hand went under the strap of bra at the back.

I immediately straightened my back at the sudden action but he said

"I am just applying don't you misunderstand" he said and I got so embarrassed at myself. God y/n come back from your imagination!!

After he was done I immediately wore my top not wasting a single minute and then took the cream rushing to the room not wanting to see him.

God this was so freakin embarrassing!! I want to personally talk to you god, what did I do to you that you made my life so embarrassing. Did I take your lover away?! After thinking so much I slept.



I woke up and saw the time, it was 7:20 am. Wow I have so much time. Then my eyes went on jungkook sleeping while hugging a pillow. cute.

I got up from the bed, did my morning routine and then went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for us, since BTS will be coming to pick us up at 9:30, I have enough time.

I made the breakfast and then sleepy jungkook with bed hair came out of the room

I made the breakfast and then sleepy jungkook with bed hair came out of the room

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"Good morning" he said in a sleepy tone, I smiled and replied

"Good morning, come let's have breakfast" I said and he nodded and sat on the dinning table in front of me as I served him

As soon as he ate the first bite his eyes widened and due to his big doe eyes he looked more cute.

"It's so tasty!" He said and ate it so soft as if he has been starving. I laughed and said

"Eat slowly or you will choke" I said and he didn't listen and ate the breakfast. I just smiled at his cuteness.

After eating we both got dressed and ready and this is how I look -

After eating we both got dressed and ready and this is how I look -

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