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After walking for a while we reached our room and Junkook opened it.

the drawing room was not too big and modern but it was cozy and simple, exactly my type

the drawing room was not too big and modern but it was cozy and simple, exactly my type

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" looks pretty cozy, I like it. How about you?" Junkook asked

"Yes I like it, it is exactly as I wanted it to be" I replied "Junkook also has same Choice as mine" I thought to myself

"Let's check other room" he said

"Yes let's go"

We reached the bedroom and Junkook entered first and then I did.

I was pretty shocked after seeing the room "we have to share a single bed?!" I thought

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I was pretty shocked after seeing the room "we have to share a single bed?!" I thought

"I think we have to sleep together on the same bed" he said

"Yeah I think so too" I said fake smiling not showing my scared self

"So we should decide the side we will sleep. You can choose first, I'm good with whatever you choose." he said

"How sweet of you" I smiled sarcastically as he giggled "I will take the window side"

"Okay then I will sleep on other side. now If you want, you can get fresh. Till that I will check the kitchen and will arrange my stuff" he said

"Okay" I replied them he left the room

"If you want you can lock the door of bedroom" he said before leaving which has be blushing and then I went inside the bathroom


I saw her cheeks turning red she looked so cute then I shook my head to forget about all these and then went towards the kitchen

I saw her cheeks turning red she looked so cute then I shook my head to forget about all these and then went towards the kitchen

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The kitchen was not big but was pretty good since it was already noon, I first decided to make lunch for me and Y/N

I searched for ingredients and found chicken in fridge so I decided to make it. Not to flaunt but my cooking skills is dope, my mom taught me several dishes for the purpose of me making my future wife happy.


After getting fresh I changed in some comfy clothes cause I know that we have to Stay at our rooms for rest of our day

After getting changed I came outside of the room and smell of something very delicious hit my nose.

I headed to drawing room and saw Junkook checking his phone sitting on the sofa

I headed to drawing room and saw Junkook checking his phone sitting on the sofa

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"I am done, you can go and get fresh"I said

He looked up from the phone and looked a little amazed but said "uh yeah okay and yeah I already made the lunch"

"Really! Oh god, Thank you so much Junkook" I groaned already starving.

"No problem" he said and smiled heading to the bedroom.


I came to bedroom but I would admit Y/N looked pretty in those french braids.

After getting fresh I came out and found Y/N sitting on the sofa with her phone and 2 plates kept on the with food

"You should have eaten" I said

"It's fine I can wait, at last I am not that hungry" she said

"Junkook" she said


"You look cute" she grinned

"Thanks" I said with a light smile but on the other hand I was smiling like an idiot inside. She is so cute ughhh

"Let's have lunch or it will get cold" she said bringing me back to reality


After eating our lunch we relaxed and little and watched tv together and it was already 4:00 pm

"Ahh! I am bored!" Y/N said

"Seriously, Me too. Why not we introduce ourselves completely because we are now roommate and at last we have got this time to introduce ourselves only" I said

"Not a bad idea" her lips formed a thin line.

"I'mma go first " she said

"I am Kang Y/N I am 19 years old and I love to play piano, guitar, play sports , write poem, sketching and painting. The only thing I am scared of is spiders and yes I would admit I am a moody person so you have to withstand me" she said making me laugh

"No problem my sister is the same, I can understand no worries" I said making her smile and nod

"I am Jeon Junkook maknae of BTS I am 19 year old I also love to paint, play sports, play guitar. I am not scared of anything and motto of my life is "rather be dead than cool"." I said

"Uh interesting....." She said making me giggle and with that we chit chat till the end of the day

After sometime I felt a weight on my shoulder and I saw Y/N sleeping on my shoulder peacefully. She look so calm while sleeping, just snuggling deeper into me.

I lifted her in my arms and made my way to bedroom and laid her on her side of the bed and lastly coverd her with blanket

Then I also made my way to my side of bed and went off to sleep.


Author- i will post part 3 as soon as possible

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