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I came to my dorm alone because ara went with Jimin and I don't know where jungkook was so yeah.

I entered, removed my shoes and sat on the couch. whole dorm was dark and was silent. Which means jungkook isn't home.

So I thought it's better to go to gym because I didn't go to gym from idk past how many daysss. New University and stuff

After changing I packed my bag with a towel, water bottle, my phone and wallet. And wore my shoes to go, this is what I wore

 And wore my shoes to go, this is what I wore

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I walked to the gym as it was near.

After 15 minutes of walk I reached and went inside and my eyes went on one particular person, I moved to other direction to see him properly as he looked familiar to me. And to my surprise he was jungkook....

He turned and saw me and smiled while coming towards me. I don't know why I freezed at my spot, jungkook in wet hair is deadly!

He came towards me and made his face closer to me....

He came towards me and made his face closer to me

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His hot breath falling directly on my face... Just OH MY GOD!!!. Why does he look so deadly hot while working out. Suddenly he said something and brought me back to reality.

"You also exercise here?" He said but I was so memorized my his beauty that I forgot to speak to he moved his hand in front of my eyes and I came back to reality.....

"Huh? ah yes" I said and he nodded and said

"I haven't seen you here though?" I nodded and replied

"I didn't come from many days. I was busy and tired so..." He nodded and stood straight and I sighed of relief.

"So I have an idea" he said and I said confused

"What?" He slipped his hand in his pocket and said

"Why don't we workout together, since we both are here at the same time?" He said but the idea of him working out with me gave me chills down to my spine.

"Umm actually I don't know much about exercise as I started it recently" I said making a fake excuse.

"Then there is no problem, I can be your trainer, what you say?" He said and my eyes widened, TRAINER?! but
I don't know why my said yes and I did the same. I am so stupid I thought.


I saw her in workout clothes. God had specialy made her taking out a lot of time from his schedule! She has the figure and I'm a sucker for it. For what it's best, we started working out.

I started doing pushups while she started with treadmill. After some time she sat on the bench tired

"I am so tired... I can't do it now!" I smiled, walking to her.

"It's just the starting, why are you so tired already?" I asked and she looked at me or in other words glared at me and then replied

"I was continuously running on treadmill for 20 minutes isn't it enough?!" I laughed and said

"I can run 40?" And she looked at me in disbelief and then looked away, I pulled her hand and got her on her feets and she said while whinning

"Dude noo I am tired please some break!" She said and I laughed and denied on which she just pouted.. aww so cute, my answer wasn't changing.

"Now come here" I said and she came towards me acting like she was angry, I handed her the dumbbell

"What?! I have to pick up this?!" She said and I nodded she sighed and picked it up.

"Now do some squats with it" I said and moved a little back from there. she scoffed in disbelief and started doing squats with dumbbell. Oh fuck me!

I moved my mind from where it was going and saw that her position was wrong, I went to her and held her shoulder straight and them backed off again.

I thought that till the time she is doing squats I can do something else, so I went to treadmill. Suddenly I heard a scream with a loud noise so I turned and saw y/n on the floor hissing in pain

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