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I woke up from my sleep and the first thing my eyes fell on was jungkook holding my hand and sleeping with his head facing me. Then I remembered last day.

I took a look at myself and saw I was not wearing a top just a bra! I screamed

"JESUS-" I screamed unknowingly and covered myself with the blanket.

Jungkook got up in hurry and looked at me and said

"What happened?? Are you alright?"  He asked and I replied

"Why am I not wearing my top and what happened last night and did we- OH MY GOD!!!!! I NEED HOBY WATER NOW!!" I shouted and Jungkook facepalmed himself and said

"Can you stop shouting first?" He said holding his head

"How can I stop shouting when I am-" he cut me off by keeping his finger on my lips to make me silent

"Now listen, I brought you home last evening and you fainted in the car, I treated your wounds and I saw a big bruise on your stomach so I treated that also and applied the cream, since I didn't wanted the cream to wipe off I removed your top and yes WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"

he said and I made a O shaped face and looked away embarrassed from what I did right now. Suddenly he spoke

"How are you feeling now?" He said ruffling his hair as I looked towards him and said

"Ah yes I feel a little better thanks, but my stomach hurts a little" I said and he nodded and got up from the bed.

"Since today is a holiday of college due to some renovation work, we'll stay home, I will make something to eat" he said and I nodded.

I was going to get up from bed but suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and was going to fall but good gracious jungkook has fast reflex. He was fast enough to come to me and hold me by my waist.

"Are you fine?" He asked and I nodded in pain and said

"M-my stomach hurts!" I said and he immediately picked me in bridal style and took me to the bathroom and placed me on the border of the sink.

"Do you need any other help?" He asked and I shook my head and said

"Thanks, I will get fresh and come out" I said and he nodded and went out locking the door.


I bathed with great difficulty since my stomach still hurts due to her kick, that stupid! Whatever, so I wore my clothes and this is how I look -

I bathed with great difficulty since my stomach still hurts due to her kick, that stupid! Whatever, so I wore my clothes and this is how I look -

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it's hot and also I don't want to cover my bruise cause it hurts. After getting dressed I went out taking support of walls

Since I can't walk properly I held the wall and with other my back, I'm sure I must look like an 99 years old lady. I opened the door and walked to the living room

Suddenly Jungkook came and picked me up in bridal style. Due to the sudden touch of his hand and by bare chest because of crop top, my heart started beating fast.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking a his side profile

"Can't you see? Taking to you to drawing room for breakfast" he said and I giggled at his answer.

He made me sit on the sofa, and kept a  table in front of me and then kept the breakfast on it. He is so Caring...

He brought his breakfast and started eating while I just looked at him thinking how caring he is, Suddenly his attention landed on me and he said

"Not hungry? Do you want me to feed you?" He asked and I shook my head and started eating.

After eating we just sat on the couch watching something on tv when I remembered day after tomorrow is weekend!

"Jungkook!" I said and he flinched cause of my sudden scream

"What?!" He said annoyed because his popcorn was now all over the couch and I laughed and said

"Day after tomorrow is weekend!" I said and he thought for a second a then said

"Yes so what?" He asked and I mentally facepalmed myself and said silently so that he doesn't hears

"God he is literally the most forgetting creature on this world!" I said and he said

"What?" He said and I said "nothing"
"So what If day after tomorrow is weekend?" He said again and I replied

"Stupid we are going to Bts dorm right?!" I said and he made a O shaped face and nodded and said "so what?"

"God please I beg you give him some more IQ!!" I said in my mind and then replied to him

"We have to pack since we are going on Saturday and Monday Tuesday is holiday due to some function in college so we will live there for 4 days!" I said and he nodded and said

"Okay then let's start packing" he said and was going when I shouted

"Dude! How will I come?!" he looked at me and made a "oh sorry" face and helped me to room so that we can pack our clothes and things we need there for 4 days.

I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

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