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I immediately closed my eyes and said "yah! What are you doing" I said and she replied "it's hot here and also I hate these clothes that's why!" And she didn't stop.

Now she was only in her underwear. With my eyes closed I covered her with blanket and she shouted "fuck it's hot!" She was going to remove the blanket but I held it and sat on it.

"Drink it" I said and she turned her head in other direction "please..." I said and she immediately looked at me with puppy eyes. She is adorable when she's drunk.

"Jungkook..." She said and I hummed in her response and then she spoke "why? Tell me why?" She said and I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean why?" I asked and she sighed and said "why do you suddenly act cute and gain my attention, why do you take care of me? Why do you think of me so much when you have whole college to think about? Why do you make me feel this way?! Why do you make my heart confused all the time? Why am I love with you?"

She said the last line in a slow tone and I looked at her shocked and now I have questions "What?!" Then I passed her the water and said "drink this and sleep, you need to be very sober to say that" I said and was going when

And she stopped me by hand and I looked at her, she was in tears. "I want answers jungkook, I have already been a overloaded box and now I can't take it more!" She said crying and I cupped her cheeks immediately and said "y/n, fuck. Don't cry please..."

And the thing she did made my world stop, she kissed me. She hugged my neck and locked it at my back, I can tell her kiss was full of love and passion. I didn't touch her but at last I couldn't control myself when the most beautiful girl I have ever seen is kissing me.

I pulled her by her waist and kissed her back but in a instant a thought came in my mind "she is drunk and if we did it then she will think I took advantage of her drunk phase, no this can't happen" I immediately pulled back and saw she was already asleep.

I put her head on the pillow and caressed her cheeks and said "this was my first and best kiss ever y/n, I will remember it forever!"

I went on the other side of the bed and slept.


I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had, I held my head and looked aside jungkook wasn't there. I got up form the bed and went out in the hall.

I saw Jin hyung, taehyung, Jimin and  jungkook sitting and talking as soon as they saw me jungkook was like-

I looked where they were looking with that wide set of eyes and THE FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!, I AM JUST IN MY UNDERWARE

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I looked where they were looking with that wide set of eyes and THE FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!, I AM JUST IN MY UNDERWARE

I RAN TOWARDS MY ROOM IMMEDIATELY!! I closed the door and wore the shirt I was wearing last night.

How the fuck was I just in undergarments??. I took my phone and messaged jungkook to come in the room immediately! And tell me how was I just in undergarments?!.

I messaged him because I was too embarrassed to go out and see everyone. After 2 minutes I heard the gate opening and I stood up with hands crossed on my chest. He entered and I have gim a angry gaze.

He came towards me and smiled and then said "good morning y/n" I removed my hands from my chest and said "fuck the good morning tell me how was I just in undergarments?!.

He smirked and then said what I didn't wanted to hear and I immediately widened my eyes and Jungkook said -

   "Don't you remember y/n? I am so happy right that you enjoyed last night as much as I did"

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