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"BITCH! YOU! YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!" The middle girl said. I got up and said

"First of all who are you to call me bitch and second what did I do?!" I  screamed at them in pain. The middle girl again pushed me and said

"I am junkook's girlfriend so stay away from him or the consequences will be harsh!" She said while I was still in the pain.

"What is your problem?! He is my roomate can't I talk to him?!" I spat out in anger and that girl grinned her teeth, bent down, held my hairs and said

"Just keep you shitty mouth close!" She said and kicked me in my belly. It was pretty hard that I almost coughed blood.

She hit me several more time and the other 2 girls watched me getting beaten up and laughed. She was going to hit me once more but someone pushed her away.

I looked up and saw Jungkook standing there with pure rage in his eyes. Then he saw me laying on the floor and his eyes softens.


I saw y/n laying on the floor with a little blood dripping down from side of her lips. My eyes softens after seeing her. I went to her and picked her up.

"Junkook -" I cut of the girl and said

"One more word or thing against y/n, I won't even see you as a girl and you will see my side nobody has every seen" I glared at her and said in the deepest voice I can ever think of.

She took her friends and walked away and I took y/n to my car.
She was pale, so pale that she fainted while I drove to home.

After reaching home I took her to the room. I laid her on the bed and removed her jacket so that she can be comfortable.

I went to kitchen and brought a bowl filled with ice. I started applying it on her lips where it was bruised.

Why does it hurt seeing her like this,
Seeing her in this condition make me feel weak even though she is the one who got hurt. I will not let those girls live peacefully.

I promise this.

I carefully applied it on her lips and then I was going when my attention suddenly fell on her stomach which was slightly showing.

I saw a big red bruise as I rushed towards her in worry. I slowly lifted the shirt and my eyes widened. There was a big large bruise on her stomach.

I took a cube and slowly applied it there when suddenly she flinched a little still unconscious. fuck it would be paining. I treated it and applied the cream

Since I didn't wanted cream to get rubbed I removed her top and covered her with the blanket and went outside.

I sat on the couch and pulled my hair in frustration, I should have stayed with her why did I leave her alone. I decided to call my brothers

and they immediately came home after listening to my worried and frustrated voice.

"What happened jungkook?" Jin hyung asked and I shook my head and they looked each other in confusion.

"Tell us jungkook what is it?" Jimin said and taehyung replied

"Yes jungkook, we have never seen you so worried about something?"

"Someone bullied y/n" I said simply and their eyes widened and they all were in anger

"What in the-"

"Who the fuck did it?!" Said jhope hyung

"Yes tell us who this shit it we won't leave them!" Said Suga hyung

"popular girls of the school, they want me to be their boyfriend and since I declined it, they bullied her thinking I am close to her" I said and sighed

"Don't worry jungkook everything will be alright" 

"How can it be alright?! You know when I got there she was on the floor with blood dripping down her lips, she has got a massive bruise on her belly and she fainted because of her pale state" I said

"They are too much!" Jin hyung said and everyone nodded

"Don't worry jungkook, you take care of her and we will put those girls at their right place" Suga hyung said and I nodded

"Okay, now we will go" rm hyung said and I nodded and they went back.

I decided to go in y/n's room to see her. I entered the room and saw her Hugging a pillow while sleeping. I smiled and sat near her.

She is so cute, just like a cute big baby.
The person who will get her will be so happy and lucky. Hope he will also take care of her like his life.

I caressed her Cheeks and then I held her hand while she slept. To my surprise she held it back, rubbing her cheeks on it, how cute...

I sat there admiring her Beauty and then drifted to sleep sitting there only. 

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