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Ara came running towards me and hit me on my arm and I shouted "what? Why are you hitting me?!" I asked and then smiled.

"Yah why did you shout at first?" She said and I giggled and said "just? mood" I said and ran away and I went towards a river and stood there while ara came beside me stood there with me. we talked about random stuffs.


I was walking when I saw y/n and ara talking near the river and talking so I decided to record this moment in memories so I clicked a photo of them both -

I was walking when I saw y/n and ara talking near the river and talking so I decided to record this moment in memories so I clicked a photo of them both -

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I looked at the photo and smiled suddenly someone called Ara, it was taehyung. So she ran over to him while y/n went and sat on a big rock and looked in the sky

She was looking very beautiful so I decided to take a photo of her also -

I took her photo and then smiled and started walking when Jimin stood in front of me with his hand on his chest

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I took her photo and then smiled and started walking when Jimin stood in front of me with his hand on his chest

"What?" I asked and he smirked and said "I saw someone clicking a photo of y/n?" He teased me.

I sighed while smiling and then started walking when he shouted and said "yah! I am talking to you, you can't leave without answering me!"

"I already left" I said walking and he ran towards me and held me by my neck. After sometime we decided to go back as it was already dark.

We were walking suddenly everyone got lost and I and y/n were only one left, so we walked together.

I knew she was scared as she was walking just near my back and also was looking all around, I smiled at her and she backed off.

We started walking when suddenly I heard someone hissing in pain, I saw y/n got hurt in her leg maybe sprain?
Why does she always get hurt on her leg?

I ran towards her and said "you alright?" She nodded and said "just it hurts a little." I giggled

"Why do you always get hurt" I took out a cream from my bag, as I kept it there for emergency like this

"Oh I just have fun like that...STUPID DEFINITELY I DON'T WANT IT" gosh she's also fun

I laughed and then helped her get up by putting her hand on my shoulder and my hand on her waist, she got up and we started walking while I still held her by her waist.


I and ara was lost in forest while we didn't know where the others were also lost. I was walking when suddenly we heard screaming of an owl and immediately ara hugged me from the back.

I looked back and smiled at her cuteness. I held her hand and took her forward so that she doesn't be scared.

After almost 10 minutes of walking we found the way and we reached the home.


We found the way and we reached the home all tired from walking as soon as we reached inside we both fell on the couch. Suddenly ara came and asked "what happened to your leg y/n?"

I looked and said "ah this, I got sprain while coming back home to jungkook applied some cream and tied it with a cloth. She smirked and I knew she was going to tease me so I gestured her to keep quiet as jungkook was sitting just near me.

"Thank god!! We are back" Jin hyung shouted and we laughed at him. "Ya thank god I am tired of staying with you, and not at all tired of walking" Suga hyung sais and went inside the room while everyone else laughed.

Jin hyung filled his face with air and pouted and then settled down on the couch then rm hyung said "everyone can get fresh and be ready, since I have a suprise for everyone and I am pretty sure everyone will like it. We all boys prepared it for both the girl."

I made an aww face and smiled and ara and I went to change in my room while jungkook went to Jimin's room and we changed into some comfy clothes. This is my look -

This is how ara look -

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This is how ara look -

This is how ara look -

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