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We were still sitting when jungkook came to me and said "let's go to our room, and get fresh".

"U-um o-okay" I stuttered!

"Why are you stuttering is something wrong" he asked and I slapped myself in mind and then said

"Everything is alright" thank god I didn't stutter this time. He nodded

Wow! It's so luxurious and beautiful

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Wow! It's so luxurious and beautiful.......

"You can go and get fresh first" jungkook said and I nodded and went inside the bathroom.

I bathed and then it hit to me. I forgot to take my clothes! I'm doomed ughh! There isn't any bathrope so that I can wear it and go outside.

I slowly peeked outside and saw jungkook scrolling through phone and I slower called him "jungkook......"
He looked up and immediately closed his eyes even though I was behind the door.

"What happened?" He asked with his eyes closed and I replied "there aren't any towel and I forgot to take my clothes so........" He got up and took the towel and gave it to me and said

"You can come out in towel, I will go outside the room don't worry" he said and went "why is he so Caring? Does he really likes me?"

"Whatever" I thought and got changed in the bedroom. 

I changed in this because we have to go trecking and I won't be able to walk in frock or skirt isn't?

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I changed in this because we have to go trecking and I won't be able to walk in frock or skirt isn't?

After getting changed I went to the hall and saw everyone. Jimin running behind taehyung for taking his food, Jungkook, Jin hyung, RM hyung sitting and talking. Jhope hyung and Suga hyung resting outside in sunlight and lastly ara was sitting with her legs in the pool and face towards the sun.

I went to ara and sat near her. "Hey bro!" She said and I smiled and said
"Hey". "So..." I said and she looked at me and said "what?"

"What did you write that in the letter?!" I said and she laughed and didn't answered and I said "answer me" and then she said

"It's okay to accept the truth y/n" she said and went laughing. God this girl is sometimes like a string of rope and sometimes complicated stuck rope!"

"Everyone lunch is ready let's go and eat" jin hyung shouted and I went as ara already went back then.

We ate our food and then sat on the sofa taking rest when rm hyung stood up and said "Game time!" And we all cheered

"So what is the first game huh?" Jungkook asked "it's Charades" said RM hyung.

"And can you explain what is the game?" Said jin hyung and we nodded.

"So in this there 3 teams of 3 members and in this one member from a team will come forword and the other members from other both teams will give him a sentence to explain to his member but just my hand gestures not words. Okay?"he said

"Okay!!" We all shouted and then giggled. Then team was divided and the teams were =

• Team 1 - ara, Jimin and Taehyung

• Team 2 - Suga hyung, jhope hyung and rm hyung

• Team 3 - Jungkook, me and Jin hyung

Gosh! Why am I with him again?! Whatever. After that the game started and ara came forword from her team and we gave her the sentence -

"Stupids are stupid and so are you"

She started explaining while we were laughing like crazy cause they are dumb. Like seriously?! "I am not eating any eraser! What dinosour?"

At last they understood and Jimin shouted and said "yah! I am not stupid" and we all laughed then jungkook said

"I am not eating any eraser" he said mimicking Jimin hyung and they started fighting while we laughed after that it was my chance. I got up and went toward them

And the sentence I got was -

"If you love me, kiss me, fuck me, ruin me but don't leave me"

Fuck?! Was this the only sentence left in the whole world?! Now how will I explain it to Jin hyung and especially


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