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I woke up in the bed, it's again junkook I thought and wandered my eyes to see Junkook sleeping while facing me

sunlight falling on his face makes him look like a Greek god.

He is so attractive! I laid there admiring his beauty when Suddenly he said "admit that I am handsome?" And immediately I looked away.

"Good morning" he said and I nodded and replied back a good morning.

He got up from the bed and walked towards the door and said "I am making the breakfast till that you can get fresh" he said and was going when he stopped, turned and said

"Do you need my help for going to bathroom?" He said with a slight smirk on his face. I made an disgusted face and said

"No! Go! I am coming in 10 minutes" he giggled while nodding and then he left the room. While I giggled at his cuteness and his behaviour and then went to get ready for college.

 While I giggled at his cuteness and his behaviour and then went to get ready for college

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I got dressed and went outside and saw jungkook cooking in the kitchen.

"I am ready" I said and he looked towards me as if he was so engrossed in my beauty I know it... this is my chance. I smirked and said

"Do I look good, admit it?" I said and he laughed and said

"No I like your outfit not you, you look like a trash can" he said and that smirk faded of my face and I pouted while he smiled.

"No I like your outfit not you, you look like a trash can" he said and that smirk faded of my face and I pouted while he smiled

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I sat on the front table and stared at him while he cooked and then he said
"What happened. why are you staring at me like this?".

"Nothing, just thinking about something" I said and he nodded and passed the plate to me and after that we ate our breakfast and then got ready for college.

I was walking towards the bus stop when junkook held my hand, I looked back at him confused "what?" I said

"You are hurt,  come with me in the car" he said, I shook my head and was walking when he stood in front of me with his hand crossed on his chest and said

"It is an order not a suggestion now get in" he said and I sighed as I didn't had any other option I got in the car. And he drove to the school.



we have reached the school and I was getting out of the car when junkook stopped me and rushed to the other side and opened the door for me.

I sighed in disbelief, he is so protective. I got out of the car and I saw some gazes on me. Or maybe should I typically say all the girls were glaring at me.

Maybe they all like junkook and I came out of his car that's why?. I said and walked towards the school gate with junkook when I saw jungkook's friend and ara walking towards me.

"Ohhh a new couple!" Said Ara and everyone laughed. I hit her shoulder and said

"Gosh! It's not like that!" I said and junkook nodded and everyone made "are you sure?" Face. And we both again nodded

"Then why did you both arrive in the same car?" Jimin asked and I facepalmed myself while junkook said

"Yesterday, at the gym she got hurt so I gave her a ride" he said and I nodded while everyone looked at me worried

"Y/N are you fine?" Jin asked worried and I giggled and nodded.

"I am completely fine, junkook took care of me well maybe that's why?" I said in a mocking tone while everyone laughed and nodded. And we walked to the class talking.



classes were already done and as usual Jimin went home with ara and BTS went home together so only I was left and junkook, well I don't know where he is. I searched almost every part of the school.

So at last I decided to go home alone, maybe he has some important work? I packed my bag and then went to corridor. I was walking when someone pushed me hard on the lockers

My head hit it so hard I'm sure I must have gotten a bump and I almost fell on the floor due the sudden impact of headache. I saw 3 girls standing in front me

"What is your problem dude?!" I said and she held my hairs harshly and said


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