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Ara blushed and said yes and they kissed in front of us. "Wohh! Now we have a new couple everyone!" Taehyung said and everyone laughed then it came on me and Suga hyung.

"So y/n what would you pick? Truth or dare?" He asked and I thought and said "I choose dare"

Suddenly everyone smirked leaving jungkook and me and then Suga hyung said smirking "you have a dare go have "7 Minutes in heaven with jungkook" he said and my eyes widened. "WHAT?!" I asked

"Yes" he said and everyone nodded "what's this hyung? This is her dare not mine." Jungkook said and I nodded.

"Whatever, you have to do it or else you are out" he said and I sighed and nodded, went inside our room and ara locked it from outside and went.
I was sitting there in silence until jungkook spoke

"You drew my sketches didn't you?" He asked and my eyes widened and I said "how do you...know?" I asked

"I saw your sketchbook on the table" he said and I sighed.

"Not that it should bother you obviously. You think I like Jimin and tried to seduce him. But let me tell it straight jungkook, I look at him like my brother, who takes care of me, and not like as a boyfriend neither a crush" I said chocking on my words. He came towards Me and cupped my cheeks.

"I am very sorry for whatever I said y/n and this is not what I meant." I got rid of his hand and replied

"Then why? Why do you stop me when I wear revealing clothes? Why do you care for me? Why do you think of me? And why do you act like my boyfriend even if you aren't?" I said shouting

"Cause I want to be one!" He said and my eyes widened and I asked "what?"

"Yes y/n, I want to be your boyfriend! I am uncontrollably in love with you! I care for you cause I love you, I think of you cause I love you, I act like your boyfriend cause I wanna be one. I always loved you y/n, but you didn't so I just kept silent" he said last line lowering down his face.

I immediately kissed him and he looked at me shocked and after a second he kissed me back. The only thing in my mind was jungkook, the immense pleasure I was getting from kissing him, I never got it!

We broke after a while for breath and then I said "who said I didn't dumbass!" He looked at me smiling and then asked

"Then why didn't you tell it before" he asked and I lowered down my head and said "I was just afraid, that you will reject me as you are the most popular guy in the school, ans you have millions of girls who crush over you so.........."

He suddenly kissed me and said "So hundreds may crush but you'll be my one?" He asked and I nodded smiling.

He smirked and then said "then let's do something for which we are here"


Time skip after 10 mins

someone banged the door and shouted "yah! Your 7 minutes are over" it's Jimin and taehyung.

We were very tired to answer so we didn't and they shouted again "YAH!!" suddenly jungkook said

"Yes! We heard you now go away let us rest!" He said and smirked at me while I just blushed and turned to other side. He back hugged me and said "I love you y/n" and I turned and pecked his cheeks and said "I love you too jungkook" he sighed and then pulled me by my waist.

He kissed me passionately and then said "now this is a kiss" he laughed and I nodded and laughed then we slept.


we laughed and then went to BTS back, and then Suga hyung asked "what happened?".

Jimin and I smirked and said "as planned" and they nodded.

So let me tell you, this was our plan all this. Ara knew y/n loved jungkook, I knew jungkook loved y/n, so we decided to make them together and today rain supported us, as we played the game, we already decided that we will give y/n this dare and as expected it went as we thought. And at last

             "Roomates fell in love"

______________ THE END______________

author nim - I hope you liked the series, if yes it's my pleasure 🥰.

"Wow! Our series got 200 reads!!!!, I am so happy 😁, I am so very happy

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"Wow! Our series got 200 reads!!!!, I am so happy 😁, I am so very happy . This is my first time I got this much views and votes. Thank you very much for supporting me always 🥺. Saranghe army's 🥰💜😘.

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