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I immediately looked aside feeling akward and Jungkook also looked aside and payed attention on driving. I took out a pack of marshmallow as I wanted to eat something.

I ate 1 and made a satisfied sound them I looked at Jungkook, he was driving Looking in front so I asked "would you like eat?" He looked at me and then said "I am driving,I can't eat".

I giggled and took a marshmallow and stuffed it in his mouth and said "so what? I can feed you can't I?" I said and smiled and he also smiled and continued driving.

Then my attention went back and I saw Jimin and ara sleeping hugging each other and being comfy so I giggled, jungkook also looked back and also giggled.

"Jimin loves ara" said jungkook and I nodded and said "I know, ara also does but wouldn't accept it" I said and he laughed and I looked at him confusion. "Why are you laughing?"

"Girls never confess, they wait till the boys do it" he said and I raised my eyebrows and said "it's not true mr jeon, girls do" I said and he laughed in disbelief and said "no they don't" he said and I made a disgusted face and said "your thinking lacks, Mr jeon" I said and he had nothing to say so he kept quiet while I giggled that he lost from me...!

After some hours of driving RM hyung's car and our car was near eachother while driving so he shouted."We are going to reach in 10 minutes so wake them up".

I nodded and woke them up, as soon as ara saw she was cuddling with Jimin she shifted from him and cleared her throat while Jimin was just rubbing his eyes like a kid, and giggled at ara.

Everyone removed the things from the car and we went where we decided to sit as place our things and
Awesome! It is so beautiful, the waterfall, nature and friends just perfect!

Everyone removed the things from the car and we went where we decided to sit as place our things and Awesome! It is so beautiful, the waterfall, nature and friends just perfect!

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"Wow!!!! It's so beautiful" ara said and I nodded. "Great choice rm hyung!" Said jungkook and Everyone nodded.

"Thank you jungkook, now we should first settle our things and lay some pillows and sheets to rest and then we will have fun" rm hyung said and we nodded and then Suga hyung and jhope hyung started laying sheets.

Suga hyung and jhope hyung settled some sheets and I and ara sat on it.

While immediately Jungkook, Jimin ans taehyung removed their clothes and jumped in the water, Jin hyung and Suga hyung laughed and said "makne line will be makne only"

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While immediately Jungkook, Jimin ans taehyung removed their clothes and jumped in the water, Jin hyung and Suga hyung laughed and said "makne line will be makne only". I and ara nodded and laughed.

"Y/N why don't we join them?" She asked and I nodded and then removed my clothes.


I was playing with Jimin and taehyung when I my eyes suddenly fell on y/n. She was removing her clothes. And lord have mercy-

if I hit my head on a rock and die? I'll be fucking grateful this is the last thing I saw! She looks like a goodness in it, She jumped in water with ara and the water splashed all over us

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if I hit my head on a rock and die? I'll be fucking grateful this is the last thing I saw! She looks like a goodness in it, She jumped in water with ara and the water splashed all over us.

"Ohh! The water is cold!" Y/N said and covered her body with her hands. "But I love it!" Ara said  and started splashing water on y/n.

God! She is so stunning, beautiful ,cute and hot at the same time. We all were playing when Jimin  suggested something. "I have a idea!" Said Jimin. "What?" I asked and he replied "why don't we near the waterfall and stay under it, let's see who stays longer?" He asked

Jin hyung smirked and said "it's so easy let me go first" he said and and swam towards the waterfall. Jimin and taehyung came towards me and said "he is acting as if a superhero, let's see his pride destroying" taehyung and said ans Jimin and I nodded while giggling.

Jin hyung went under and immediately shouted "yah!!!!!! It hurts and it's cold too!!!!!" He hurriedly swam back while we all were laughing like crazy.....

"Why don't jungkook try it? I think he is good in everything so let's see?" Jhope said and everyone nodded. I glanced at y/n once and then said

"Yes why not? I can do anything" I said and went.....

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