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Jungkook looked at me and said "yes why not? I can do anything!" He said and swam towards the waterfall. Challenging huh?. No problem I will join too.

"I can also do it, it's easy" I said and everyone looked at me and then ara said "ya! So go with jungkook let's see who wins, you or jungkook" she said and I smirked and nodded ,then said "sure!"

I swam towards the waterfall and Jungkook looked at me and said "so joining me huh?" He smirked and I also did the same and said "if you can do it,so can I" he nodded and then we Both went near it.

water level was the same but there were many big rocks underneath the water so I walked on it. I was walking when suddenly my legs slip on of them, I thought now this my end! but to my shock jungkook held me waist.

I looked at him and he looked at me, the sudden touch of his hand with my bare back and that too in water gave me chills down to the floor. Suddenly he stood straight and I fell in water.

"Yah! Why did you leave me" I said coming up from the water "you should be careful, and now don't slip cause I will not hold you" he said and went, god he and his cold ass!

I also walked behind him and now we were almost under the waterfall. The water was cold and it was so good, but it was falling on head with pressure thus it hurts a little but I am fine with it tho.

We stood under it for almost 10 minutes and everyone was watching us from afar. After sometime I couldn't handle it so I covered my body with my hand as it was cold and now my head was aching doe to the pressure of water.


I and y/n were still standing under the water when I saw y/n covered her body with her arms, is she feeling cold? Aish this girl just need to do competition!?.

"Y/N let's go now" I said and she shook her head and said "no I can stand for more time, if you want you can go" she said and I sighed in disbelief.

"Don't lie to me y/n, I can read you like a open book, you covered your body with your arms because you are feeling cold, am I right? You closed your eyes because your head is aching because of the pressure of water, right?" I said and her eyes widened.

"How did you -" I cut her off and said "I am your roommate y/n I know you very well so don't lie to me if you feel uncomfortable" I said and she nodded and we swam back to our friends.

"So who won?" Ara asked and y/n looked at her foot and said "jun-" I cut her off immediately and said "we both won" I said and y/n looked at me for a second and then smiled and I did the same.

"Okay let's have some food now" Jimin said and we nodded and then went to eat something.


Since we were not changing clothes now so I just wore a long side cut skirt which I brought and the top remained the same -

Since we were not changing clothes now so I just wore a long side cut skirt which I brought and the top remained the same -

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After wearing it I went and sat near ara that is between jin and ara. After that everyone started opening the dishes which I and ara packed.

"Fantastic y/n and ara!" Said Suga hyung with wide eyes.

"Yes, there so many things and it looks delicious too!" Said RM hyung and everyone nodded.

"How can you both prepare cheese and ham sandwiches, burritos, noddles, muffins, eggs, salsa ans nachos, just in such a short time?!" Asked taehyung and ara and I laughed then ara said

"I only cooked noddles in these everything that you mentioned" she said and everyone's eyes widened and then jin hyung asked "so y/n you cooked all this alone???!!!" He said and I laughed and then nodded.

"Wow y/n! You are amazing!" Jimin said and I replied with a thank you and then we started eating.

"Yumm! It's so delicious!" Jimin said eating And everyone nodded. "Yes y/n your cooking skills are amazing!" Said ara and everyone nodded and Jungkook said "I know it from a very long time" everyone looked at him and then he said

"I have already ate her food before, as for she is my roommate tho" he said and smirked which cause everyone to giggle.

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