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after both the teams were done with the food it was served to rm hyung and he tasted it and then decided the results.

"So the winner is......." He said and everyone closed their eyes with finger lock.

"Y/N's TEAM!!!" He said and we all jumped in a sudden! And I immediately hugged Jimin and we both jumped together.

After that we went to eat our lunch and then at night we all went to get ready for the club.

I was deciding my clothes, I took out my outfit and then tried it without wearing, I held it against my body in front of mirror. Suddenly door opened revealing jungkook.

"Jungkook, go and get ready" I said still looking at my dress in the mirror.
He came towards me and stood behind me and said

"Why choose this dress?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows and said

"because I like it?" I said and he replied

"Or are you wearing this to impress Jimin huh?" He asked and I immediate turned to him with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?" I said annoyed.

"You have been pretty close to Jimin, so I thought he would like you in this dress, wouldn't he?" He said the last sentence coming near my ear.

I pushed him and said "you have gone mad! And it's my wish what I wear not you! I will always choose what to wear and what not to!!" I said and then went to bathroom

"How can he think of me like this?" I thought and then decided to get ready, because I ain't any slut! And also why does he care what I wear and what not?! And I wore a revealing dress -

"How can he think of me like this?" I thought and then decided to get ready, because I ain't any slut! And also why does he care what I wear and what not?! And I wore a revealing dress -

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Actually this isn't my dress cause I don't wear these types of clothes but ara does so she gave me this. I wore it and did my makeup.

Not too much and not too less. Then I went outside and saw ara waiting on the bed for me. How ara looks -

"Woh girl!!!" She said and I blushed a little

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"Woh girl!!!" She said and I blushed a little. "This is my girl! You look superb! Everything will drool over you" she said

"You think I am the only one? What about you?!" I said and pushed her a little and she smiled and said "I know I am sexy" she said and I made a disgusted face.

"Let's go!" She made a annoyed face and I giggled and then we went outside. We saw everyone perfectly dressed in suit like gentelmen.

"Wohhhhh!!!!" Taehyung shouted and everyone looked at us and I moved my hair from my face and then walked closer.

"Wow! You both look so sexy to be true!" Jimin said ans ara smirked while I was shy this I just smiled and then my eyes landed on the devil.

"Wow! You both look so sexy to be true!" Jimin said ans ara smirked while I was shy this I just smiled and then my eyes landed on the devil

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He was death glaring at me and I immediately looked down, I think he is angry because I wore this dress. I shrugged it off and then we went to the bar.

(I just noticed Jungkook's photo's background and the bar's one matches lol, well back to story)

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(I just noticed Jungkook's photo's background and the bar's one matches lol, well back to story)

After we reached we settled down and as expected we ordered and drank. It is a good bar, service is good and I like it's vide.


We were still drinking when I saw y/n was already extremely drunk. I decided to stop her when Jimin came to me and said "Jungkook I think the girls are drunk, and it's not good for them to stay here like this in this outfits, so it's better to take them home"

He said and I nodded and then went towards y/n, she was still drinking when I snatched the drink from her hand. "What?! Give it back!" She said and I shook my head and said

"You are already drunk let's go" she didn't got up and said "why would I? Are you the owner of my life? Why do you always tell me what to do? Does my life belong to you? You act as if you are my boyfriend?!" She said last line shouting and then suddenly fell asleep

I was still processing what she said, then I shook my head and removed my Jacket, I covered her with it and then took her home.

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