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I woke up with sun rays hitting my face, to avoid it I turned to my side and saw Jungkook sleeping like a baby cuddling with a pillow. He looks so cute while sleeping his lips slightly opened, his long eyelashes long, his cheeks pressed against the pillow.

"Good morning!" Jungkook brought me back to reality

"Good morning" I replied

"Did you sleep well?" He asked brushing his hair back and sitting up.

"Ah yes it was good, I will prepare the breakfast today because you made lunch yesterday. Go and get fresh" I said

He nodded and sleepily walked to the bathroom and I giggled at his morning cuteness.

Jungkook came to kitchen after getting ready while I was preparing the breakfast. His hair were wet and he looked breathtaking and kind of hot.

"It's all yours"he said and I was brought out of my little fantasy land

"I'm sorry what-"

"The bathroom? It's all yours" he said raising his eyebrows

"Oh right- I'm off then"

"Y/N is everything alright?" He said smiling softly

"Oh! Yes everything is mighty fine. I have prepared the breakfast. You can eat it first while I'll go and get ready"

"Okay" he replied and I rushed to room as I don't want to show him my flustered side


Y/N rushed to room and I know she didn't wanted me to see her flustered face but I already saw it.
I came to the dining table and found my breakfast on it . Well the breakfast was very tasty then I started to pack my bag for college


I got ready in flared denim and crop top and headed out of the room with my bag and found Junkook packing his bag.

"Let's go!" I said

"Ya Let's go!" He nodded

We came to our class and the teacher wasn't there till now.

"Y/N come here!" Ara shouted from her seat which made me embarrassed and Jungkook chuckled in his deep voice

I rushed to her and shushed her  "Why are you screaming so loudly"

"I am in good mood today that's why!" She said

"And can I ask why?" I asked

"Jimin and I are best friend now and I..I have a little crush on him" she said making me smirk

"Ohhhhhh so Ara's heart has again planted himself on some guy"I said

"Oh shut up and I will kill you if you tell him this!" She said

"Okay killer- I won't! don't worry"

"And what about you and Jungkook?"she asked

"We are also friends now and everything is going fine"

"I think Junkook has a crush on you too"she said

"What! Hell No! No way!"I said quickly

"Oh come on Y/N can't you see from the time you came and took your seat,  his eyes are on you"she said making me look in jungkook's direction

I saw him staring at me which made me blush and I quickly looked away

"Oh so someone is blushing!" She said

"Shut u-" I was saying but the teacher came . During whole lesson jungkook's eye were fixed on me I can see from the corner of my eye "does he likes me?" This was the only question going in my mind

The lecture ended and we were heading to the canteen when someone stoped us

"Let's go together" BTS said

"Okay why not!" Ara quickly said and grabbed me from me hand and took me with me

We reached the canteen and ordered snacks while all the members talked

"What are your plans this weekend Ara and Y/N" Jin asked

"I don't have any plan actually" Ara said

"Me too" I said

"So why don't you both come to our dorm. We can watch movie, play games and have some fun"

"You have your own dorm?" I asked

"Apparently yes. we have our own dorm and only we go there "

"Okay I don't have any problem with it what about you y/n?" Ara said

"I think I'm good too" I said

"Ok so decided this weekend our dorms, fun and party!!!!" jimin said shouting

"You better shut that mouth of yours before I do park Jimin. " Yoongi said dead serious and we all stifled our laughs.

Then we finished our remaining lecture and headed to our rooms


Author- I will upload 4 part as soon as possible.

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