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After getting dresses I went out and saw jungkook packing some water bottle in the bag. As soon he saw me he smiled and said

"Fuck- You look.... beautiful y/n" he said and I smiled and said "thank you"

After getting ready we sat on the sofa waiting for BTS to come and pick us up. Suddenly the bell rang so I got up to answer to the door and as expected

It was BTS and of course ara too. "hey girl" ara said and hugged me. I hugged her back and said "hi bro!"

"You look pretty god!" She said and I replied with a thank you.

"Come in" I said but they shook their head and then jin hyung said "we came to pick you both up let's go" he said and I looked ta jungkook.

He was already picking up the luggage, I smiled at his eagerness to go and then went to help him. But BTS didn't let me help and we went down. There I saw a limo waiting for us

 There I saw a limo waiting for us

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God! Is this for us?!. I looked at BTS in shock and they laughed and Jimin said "we don't look like that but we are rich" he said and everyone laughed.

"Let's go then" jhope hyung said and we nodded and one by one everyone went inside. Wow! The inside is also so beautiful! I am in love with it!!!"

After everyone settled down rm hyung said "so everyone, attention here please" he said and everyone looked at him

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After everyone settled down rm hyung said "so everyone, attention here please" he said and everyone looked at him.

"So, we aren't just going to BTS dorm but we have decided something else too" he said and everyone looked confused.

"So this isn't just going to be a simple going to our dorm but this is going to be a whole trip! According to my calculations we will reach there in 3 hours that is, if the time now is 9:45 we will teach there till lunch time that is 1:00 cause we will take a break in between."

"After reaching We have already made a plan so we will follow it and We will play multiple games in this trip and we will have loads of fun!" He said and we all hooted and cheered.

And then the driver started driving. someone passed a drink in front of me and I saw it was Jungkook, He smiled. I also smiled and took a sip and kept in back on the table

Suddenly jungkook took the same drink and drank from it. Woah woah! Are we sharing a drink?

I thought and then shrugged it off and looked outside, the view was amazing so I took out my camera from my bag and started clicking the photos.

I thought and then shrugged it off and looked outside, the view was amazing so I took out my camera from my bag and started clicking the photos

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I hummed satisfied with my click and turned around to see jungkook's face was just a inches away from mine. He was directly looking in my eyes.

Once he realised he backed off and said "I was looking at your photographs, skilled huh? Amazing shot ngl." He said and I smiled and said thanks.

After I guess 1 hour RM again stood up and said "it's been an hour till we started our trip and I think everyone's hungry right?" He said and we all shouted "yes!" In unison and then laughed.

"Ok, we are going to stop at a convenient store and we will buy something to eat but, you all will have to play a game to win something to eat" he said and smirked.

"We are ready, do tell us the game" Said taehyung. "Yes. Then in the first game we will give you a paper and you have to write something on it that is funny or maybe anything else and then pass it to your opposite person and then everyone has to read that paper without making any faces and have to keep a no emotion face"

"Okay sounds fun!" Said Jimin and RM hyung distributed the paper and everyone started writting on it and then ara passed to me ans I passed to Jimin. I wrote "ARA IS HEAD'S OVER HEELS FOR YOU!" and I knew Jimin wouldn't be able to keep a straight face after reading it.

The rule was a single person will read it in mind but everyone will be looking at him while he/she reads.

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