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I said that because I wanted to see y/n's reaction as everyone knows it is a lie  As soon as I said it she fell on the bed and after a second she grabbed my collar and said

"Why the fuck did you do it! You knew I was drunk!" She said and I laughed which made her confused.

"I am joking!" I said and she looked at me with her suspicious eyes and I nodded and said

"Yesterday, you were so drunk that I brought you to the room. I went to take a glass of water and I saw you removing your clothes and then you said ' it's too hot here' and after drinking water you slept" I said and didn't tell the kissing part......

She made a face and then ran to the bathroom because she was extremely embarrassed and couldn't maintain eye contact.


I immediately ran to bathroom and sighed in frustration. Fuck y/n you are too much! I thought and then went to get fresh.


fter getting dressed I went outside and saw everyone eating breakfast. Then ara looked at me and said

"Come join y/n" I smiled and nodded. I sat near ara and Jin hyung surved me breakfast and Everyone started eating.

"So what is today's plan?" Jungkook asked and all of us looked at rm hyung and he said "so I have already made today plan, today we will go on a long drive in a car which I have already booked and with the long drive there is a waterfall we will go there too, we will also have a small picnic there, after coming home we will do some dance, everyone have to show their dace skills, then we will have dinner and we will go on the roof and will see the stars." He said

"Wow the plan is amazing!" Said Jimin "yeah I love it too!" Ara said and looked at jimin "okay so after eating be ready, wear some comfy clothes and take another set of clothes since we are going to waterfall, we will play" said jin hyung and we nodded.

"we have to divide the works" said jhope hyung and everyone nodded.

"I and Jin hyung can drive while going " said jungkook and Everyone nodded.

"I will take care of soft drink and drinks with Jimin" said taehyung and Jimin nodded and everyone also nodded.

"I will take some pillows and sheets to sit with jhope" said Suga hyung ans jhope hyung nodded and we also nodded. "What about food?" Asked rm hyung.

"I and ara can make food and pack so you don't have to worry about it" I said and smiled and ara nodded and we started eating our breakfast.

After eating our breakfast ara and I started preparing food for picnic.
To be true ara is a little slow. She decided to make some noddles and until she chopped the vegetables,

I prepared muffins batter and put it in oven and then I made mixture for cheese and ham sandwich, and when she was cooking the noddles, my muffins were ready and I was putting the sandwiches in the griller.

Since a lot was already done so I also decided to make some burritos. I prepared it as fast as possible and till now ara was packing the noddles.

She looked at my side and saw muffins, burritos and sandwiches.

"Wow y/n! You are pretty fast!" She said shocked and I nodded and said
"Thanks but I think I can make some things more" I said and she looked at all the things and said

"I think it's enough" she said but i said "I can make something tho" I said and she nodded and said "okay so you can prepare it and I will take out your clothes come and wear them and then get ready okay?" She said and I immediately nodded.

I prepared some boiled eggs with bacon and also I made salsa and packed it with Nachos as it was already prepared as we bought it from market. After preparing all things I went to change.

I saw my clothes on the bed and eww! Why did ara selected these kind of undergarments?!. Well she has to choose undergarments also because we were going to waterfall and we will swim too, so we will remove our clothes............

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