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As soon as I saw her on floor my first reflex was to run to her and I knelt down on my knees.

"What happened, are you alright??" She shook her head and replied in pain

"I dropped the dumbbell on my leg" she said and my eyes widened.

"First calm down. Don't worry I will take you home just stay here a second" I said and rushed to get my car keys.

I picked her up in my arms and rushed towards my car, I drived as soon as I could and then brought her to room and made her sit on sofa.

Worried, I got the pain relief cream. I sat down on my knees and pulled her leggings up and I was able to see the pain on her face

"I am very sorry" I said and she nodded and said "not your fault".

I carefully applied the cream on the wound and then covered it with crape bandage. I got up and saw she was looking directly at me so I said

"What happened? Is it still paining" I asked worried and and she shook her head and said

"I am very obliged" she said looking directly in my eyes. And I walked towards her and knelt and then said

"It's my duty, you are roomate I can at least do this for you, can't I?" I said and she nodded while smiling and then said

"I never knew that a popular boy like you can be so warm hearted, I didn't know people do care even after Having thousands of people caring for them" she said looking down with a glimpse of sadness on her face.

I held her cheek and said "I am not like that, you can definitely trust me okay?" I said and she nodded.

"Okay so now what would you like to eat?" I said and she started thinking and sure did it took her 10 min to reply

"Anything" I sighed in disbelief and she started laughing

"If you had to say 'anything' you could have said it faster?" I replied on which she laughed

"It's just that I love to irritate you" she said and making me smile softly.


he is so Caring, he held me in his arm and brought me home then treated my wounds and is now cooking the dinner. Whoever gets him in the future will be so lucky to have him!

After sometime he walked towards the couch wipping his hand with a cloth. "dinner is ready let's go". He said and held me by my waist and I giggled and fell on the couch.

"What?" He said "it tickles and I can walk you know?" I said and he raised his eyebrows and said

"But I don't want you to walk" he said and again held me by my waist but this time tighter than before. Suddenly I felt sparks going down my spine.

Like the whole world was revolving around him. I looked at my side and saw his side profile. God! He is so handsome even his side profile is so hot!

Suddenly he looked at me and I immediately looked away being akward when he said

"You can look at me as much as you want, I know I am handsome". I made a disgusting face and pushed him away and said

"You aren't, At all!" I lied and walked towards the table. He pouted and sat in front me and I just smiled as his cuteness.

He placed the plate in front of me and held my spoon in his hand when I said

"What are you doing?" I asked raising my eyebrow and he looked at me smiling and said

"I am feeding you" I giggled and replied

"I got hurt on my leg not my hand, stupid!" I said laughing and he looked at me while pouting and said

"But -" I cut him off while slapping his hand which made the spoon fall in my plate and I picked it up and started eating while smiling.

After eating our dinner my food fell, mood swings can be tiring sometimes. I sat on the sofa thinking about all the sad things when jungkook came and sat near me.

"What happened?" He asked and I looked at him and said

"Nothing, just my mood swings. I feel sad" I replied and sighed.

"Let's watch a movie I know it will help" he said and I nodded. He switched off the lights and started a movie.

We watched the movie for some time and then I fell asleep on the couch itself

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