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I brought her to room and laid her on the bed. Suddenly she woke up and said "didn't I say I wanted to drink more??"

I sighed and said "sleep y/n, you are drunk" and she scoffed in disbelief and said

"So now you are changing the topic. If you are a man then face it. Answer me! Why do you always try to be my boyfriend even though you aren't!?" She asked

"Because I am your Friend y/n! I care for you! When you get hurt, I feel the pain, when you are happy, I feel the happiness! Nothing truly ever made sense until you came into my life! How is it possible that I love you but you don't?!" I said last line in a low voice

And I saw she was already asleep. I sighed and went to sleep too.



I woke up when the alarm started ringing, I tried to open my eyes. I looked aside and didn't see anyone then I saw that I was wearing the cloths from last night.

Who brought me home? Did jungkook? But we fought didn't we? Whatever, then I got up and got fresh. I simply dressed and then went out -

As usual we all had breakfast and then rm hyung started telling us our routine for today

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As usual we all had breakfast and then rm hyung started telling us our routine for today.

"Today we have a lot of fun as we are -" he was cut off my thunder and everyone's eyes widened and then rm hyung said "Ah! This rain, so everyone no routine for today as it's raining rain. " He said and we all sighed and nodded and then he again said

"But if the rain gets clear we will definitely do something okay?" He said and we nodded. After eating I went to my room and took out my sketchbook and my pencils.

I have a little secret, I am good in sketching and I have some sketch drawn

I have a little secret, I am good in sketching and I have some sketch drawn

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I know it's shocking but yes these sketches are of jungkook, I drew every moment with him, the time he stroked his hair back, the time when he pouted, the time when he smiled

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I know it's shocking but yes these sketches are of jungkook, I drew every moment with him, the time he stroked his hair back, the time when he pouted, the time when he smiled.

I don't know why, but I just draw them and they bring happiness to me, maybe yes, I love him but I'm sure if it's mutual.

I sat on a chair in front of window and then tried to draw jungkook from last night, the time he looked so handsome that I couldn't take my mind of him, the time I just wanted to see him forever.

I sat on a chair in front of window and then tried to draw jungkook from last night, the time he looked so handsome that I couldn't take my mind of him, the time I just wanted to see him forever

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I completed my sketch and then closed my book and kept it on the table and went to sleep as I had nothing to do and also I was tired from last night.


I came in the room and saw that y/n was sleeping, I think she is still Angry from me, I sighed and sat on the cair near window. My eyes fell on a book kept on the table.

I shouldn't but I picked it up and opened it.
"Wait- that's me. Why my sketches? And who drew it?" Then my eyes feel on the sign on the bottom of the page....y/n

Did y/n make all these? But why did she draw my sketches? And why did she hide it from me. I sighed and looked over at her.

"Y/N I love you, but I am afraid of rejection, I think I will not be good enough for you, and even if I be then would you accept me?" I sighed and went outside as I don't want to disturb her...



I woke up from my sleep late and then rushed out to see what everyone is doing? I saw them sitting outside with campfire, rain was over. I went to them smiling.

"Oh y/n come and sit" ara said and I nodded and sat beside her and then said "what are we doing?"

"We are going to play truth and dare" taehyung said and smirked and I nodded then we started playing.

First it came on Ara and Taehyung they were sitting opposite so taehyung asked ara "so miss Ara truth or dare?" Ara giggled and choose truth

"So miss ara I got to know you like Jimin, is it true" taehyung said and she cursed under her breath as everyone laughed, And she replied.

"Yes it's truth!" She said and blushed and Jimin spoke "ara I like you too will you be my girlfriend" he said and everyone started cheering and shouting......

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