Chapter 2

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"Bey you heard me?" Letoya asked snapping her fingers in my face.

"Uhm yea.." I lied clearing my throat

"You been out of it since you came, wassup? You see a ghost on your way here?" Solo asked

"No...There was this man..." I said taking a deep breath.

"Uh uh you don't want no nigga that live in Virginia, all they do is hang out at corner stores and talk shit to women." Kelly said shaking her head, I rolled my eyes.

"I found him in a church, I told the driver to pull over so I can ask someone in the church for directions."

"Oooo a man that goes to church still." Letoya said, suddenly taking an interest in the conversation.

"What'd he look like?" Solange asked laying her dress across the bed.

"He was beautiful, oh my god." I licked my lips closing my eyes visioning him for the 7th time in the last hour. "He was covered in tattoos, he was so respectful and happy. He had freckles, and his his smile was to die for." I said blushing. "Oh and the nose ring he had, man I usually wouldn't like a man with that type of shit, but him? God seriously took his time on that man."

"Ok what happened did he flirt with you?" Kelly asked

"No.." I slightly frowned. "He didn't."

"What the hell? How are you gonna see him again? He didn't ask for your number? Address? Something?" Solange spoke quickly

"I asked him for his number." I confessed

"Bey!" Letoya said slapping my arm

"Ouch!" I rubbed my arm. "He said no anyways."

"He said what?!" They all yelled, they all looked at me, with sort of an upset but yet surprised look.

"And then he asked for my number." I said laughing.

"Why did you ask for his number anyways?" Kelly asked

"Because, he would've never asked for mine. He would've kept it pushing, the look in his eyes when he saw me wasn't like every other nigga. He looked at me like I was just as broke as he was, he viewed me as a regular ass woman." I said.

"He's broke?" Kelly asked, they all shook their heads

"What?" I said

"You don't need to talk to him, no matter how fine he sounds you don't need him he ain't shit." Solo said

"Y'all can't just jump to the conclusion that he's a bad guy already h-" my phone rang cutting me off, I reached into my purse pulling it out. I hit the green answer button, putting the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey.." his voice made me blush, just thinking about his smile made me blush.

"This is Chris, right?" I asked

"Yea, I was just calling to make sure you made it to where you needed to go." He said

"Mhm, I did." I said nervously.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later then." he said

"Chris I'm in town for 3 days maybe we can hang out?" I blurted, I sighed putting my hand on my forehead. I'm making myself seem so desperate.

"Listen.." he said. "You're beyonce, there's no way we can go out without actually getting tackled or having cameras everywhere. I like my Lowkey life, I love my privacy. I don't wanna wake up one morning with cameras surrounding my house asking me stupid questions." he explained, I frowned. It felt like my heart nearly stopped. "I was happy that I met you though, I'm still a huge fan. I just think you should be seen in public with someone up there with you."

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