Chapter 34

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"Baby I don't wanna." Bey said hanging onto my neck as she whined.

"You like annoying me, huh?" I asked laughing, she nodded her head.

"I'm so hungry." She finally stood up, I wrapped one arm around her waist.

"You-" my phone started ringing, stuck my hand in bey's bra pulling it out answering it. "Hello?"

"Chris, this is Dr.Monroe I found 2 other doctors that'll be joining us on the trip."

"Ok, we're still set to leave the 1st." I replied

"Ok, we're all set then." She replied

"Alright." She giggled before hanging up, I chuckled shaking my head.

"Who was that?" Bey asked

"Dr.Monroe, she found 2 more doc-"

"You like her?" Bey asked, I scrunched my face up looking at her crazily.

"What the fuck kinda question?"

"Don't dodge the fuckin' question." She said pushing my arm off of her, what the fuck?

"Are you ok? Are you goin crazy in the head?"

"Don't fuckin call me crazy, go call that bitch crazy. She not goin on the trip with us either, I ain't fuckin stupid Christopher." She said pushing her index finger against my forehead.

"What are you talkin about?" I asked

"You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about! You want that bitch to come so you have yo side bitch! Stop actin dumb, you fuckin bitch!" She yelled pushing past me as she stormed out the family room. I sighed scratching my neck, I ain't wanna laugh because I ain't know if she would get offended or not. But this was funny.

"Beyonce." I said walking out the family room into the kitchen where she was.

"Don't fuckin bother me." She mumbled

"I do what I want." I said she clenched her jaw throwing a fork at me, a nigga ducked just in time. "What the hell?"

"Leave me the fuck alone." she warned

"You trippin', you really are. Ain't nobody got no side bitches, ain't nobody Cheatin' on you. I'm sorry for pissing you off and for whatever else it is I did." I said standing up straight putting my hands up.

"Promise?" She asked tearing up

"I promise baby girl." She walked over to me laying her head on my chest as she started to cry. I sighed wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm sorry Chris, I just don't get how someone like you loves someone like me." She sniffled wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Shhh it's alright." I mumbled kissing the top of her head.

"I love you so much baby." She tightened her grip around my torso snuggling her face against my chest more.

"I love you too baby." I said letting out a silent sigh. She lowkey just tried to kill me.

"Don't nobody want me with you, I don't understand why. I just wanna be happy and when I do find happiness somebody's always trying to bring me down. I don't understand." What the hell is she talking about? She cried harder, I rubbed her back as she cried on my chest. "I feel like you'll give up on me, and I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" I mumbled

"Losing you to another girl, I hate feeling that way." She sniffled

"I'm not going anywhere, stop crying."

"Ugh I hate these hormones." She said letting me go, she wiped her tears. "What the hell is happening to me." She asked smiling as she cleaned her face.

"It's normal bae, just don't try to kill me again." I chuckled hugging her again, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." She spoke softly.

"I know princess, I know."


"That's everything you want packed?" I asked zipping her 6th suitcase, she nodded. "Alright I got all your stuff packed, I just gotta get mine packed."

"Baby I'm hungry."

"You just had a whole 30 piece to yourself."



"I'm hungry." She repeated

"I heard you the first time baby girl."

"Then go fuckin get me something to eat." She snapped, I laughed shaking my head.

"Okay baby." I said getting up off the bed.

"I want some type of candy." She said with a smile. I nodded, pulling my shoes on picking the car keys up. The next 9 months about to be hell, but as long as she ain't stressin', I'm good. "Where you goin?"

"To get you some candy."

"Baby I don't wanna be here by myself." She replied

"Well come on." I said

"I don't wanna go anywhere tho."

"How am I suppose to get your candy?"

She shrugged, "Can you hold me?" I nodded pulling my shoes off sitting the keys back on the dresser climbing into bed, I laid next to her pulling her on top of me. I wrapped my arms securely around her.

I rubbed her back, I guess today starts her mood swings, something I'm not ready for. Only thing I can do is be patient with her, and do whatever it is she wants me to do, so that she isn't stressing.


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