Chapter 19

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February 20th

Bridgehampton, New York

Beyonce Knowles,

I looked down at Chris who had fell asleep with his head between my legs. He had his head rested on my left thigh, while he lightly snored.

I smiled a little as I stated down at him, he was truly amazing. There was a light knock on my room door, "Come in." I said

"Aww y'all are so cute." Kelly cooed as she entered the room, I blushed.

"Thank you." I replied

"I was seeing if y'all needed anything from the store." She said.

"Chris likes the milk chocolate Hershey bars, don't get the ones with the nuts in them he hates those." I explained, she nodded.

"Alright, and you?"

"I don't need anything, I'm cool. I just remembered him saying that he wanted one the other day." I said shrugging

"You in love with him bey?" She asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"No, but I do see myself falling for him slowly." I mumbled looking down at him my thumb traced his bottom lip.

"I'm glad you're happy." She says. "I'll be right back." she made her way out the bedroom.

"Babe stop." He had a raspy voice, he moved my hand away from his face.

"Stooop." I said putting my hand back on his face.



"Little girl." He said looking up at me with a smirk. I narrowed my eyebrows at him.

"I'm a grown ass woman."

"Wow you're sexy." He chuckled I rolled my eyes smiling slightly as I looked away from him. He got up from between my legs climbing out the bed stretching before making his way into the bathroom.

A few seconds later I heard the toilet flush and the sink water began to run. I grabbed the remote powering the TV on. "I'm taking you out tonight." He said as he climbed back into bed next to me.

"Oh really?"

"Yes ma'am." He said kissing my cheek, a comfortable silence fell over us. He snuggled his face in the crook of my neck, wrapping his tattooed arms around me.

"Baby can you get me some water?" I asked

"Mhm." he said before getting up.


After the machine dropped a few ice cubes into the glass cup full of water, I headed out the kitchen. Kelly walked into the house instantly seeing me, I sighed.

"Chris, wait." She said before I could walk up the steps. I was so damn close, I really was.

"Yes kelly?" I took a deep breath

"Baby we gotta go." Bey said running down the steps giving me a shirt and a pair of tennis shoes, she grabbed her water taking a few sips before running it into the kitchen. I pulled my shirt on, "Come on, kelly you coming?"

"Where are we going?" I asked

"My mom just called and said there was an emergency at their house and they need me there asap." She said, I nodded slipping my shoes on. I followed her and Kelly out the front door, making sure it was locked before closing it.

I jogged to the car opening the driver's side door for bey, "There you go princess." I said, she kissed my cheek before getting into the car. I closed the door, and then opened the back door for kelly.

"Thank you Chris." She winked at me before getting in the car. I shook my head closing the door before making my way around to the passenger side getting in.


"Do you understand that's not o fucking k!" Bey yelled

"You don't answer anybody when they call, how else are we suppose to get your attention!" Her mom yelled back

"You know what mom, what do you want from me?"

"For you to find a better man baby girl." her dad butted in

"It doesn't get any better than Chris, I really don't have to discuss my love life with you 2." bey rubbed her temples, I was staying out of it. I don't like arguing with nobody's parents, especially because they've been on the earth longer than I have, its just an automatic respect thing.

"Look bey, I thought you were all about your music, all about your fans. What do you think they're going to say when you tell the world that you're dating a guy younger than you, a guy with all these damn tattoos in his skin like its ok? You're not thinking about your fans, what if your album sales start to flop?" Her dad said

"Daddy I'm leaving." was all she said before she grabbed my hand pulling me toward the front door, she opened it and pulled me out the front door behind her. She didn't bother to let me close it back. Kelly was sitting on the hood of the car.

After I opened their doors for them and I got in we were off. We sat in silence, I could tell bey was upset. "Bey can we stop by my house so I can grab some more clothes?" Kelly asked

"Yea.." bey replied dryly.

Once we got Kelly's house, dude wasn't here. Kelly went in to pack some more clothes, me and bey sat on the porch.

"Don't be mad." I said grabbing her hand. "No matter what was said, I still respect your parents. I still wanna be with you, and my mindset is still the same. Nothing has changed and in time they'll grow to like me. I know they will."

"You think so?" She asked slightly sighing

"I know so." I replied kissing her cheek, a black 2015 Audi R8 pulled into the driveway. The same dude from the other night got out the car. I sighed standing up. "Go get kelly." I said to bey.

"You got some nerve." he said chuckling as bey went into the house. I stayed quiet, no need to say anything to him at all. I'd just be wasting my breath. A few seconds later kelly and bey came out with a suitcase. "Kelly where you going?"

"Away from your stupid ass." Bey replied, I stepped off the porch and stood in front of him as they stepped off the porch also. He reached his hand out grabbing Kelly's arm.

"Let her go dude." I said

"Or what?" He asked laughing

"I honestly don't wanna have to hurt you." I replied

"Shut up." He yanked kelly back, I balled my fist up punching him in the nose, not my hardest but hard enough to make him stumble back. He bent over touching his nose noticing blood on his fingers. "You fuckin bitch." He pulled a gun out pointing it at me.


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