Chapter 7

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"Noooooo wake uuuuup." I whined into the phone

"I'm up." Chris mumbled

"I'm not sleepy I'm going to be bored if you go to sleep." I replied

"Baby girl, why don't you sing to me?" He mumbled once again.

"Ok, what you want me to sing?" I rolled over onto my stomach sitting up on my elbows as I smiled.

"Uhm.." he trailed off, he sounded as if he was falling asleep.

"Chris baby you sing to me." I frowned a bit.

"I do too." He mumbled

"You do what Chris?" I asked

"Huh?" He said confused, this boy was really half sleep.

"Nothing baby." I replied laying down.

"I'm up baby, let me sit up." He said. "Ok what you need me to do?" He asked

"Talk to me." I said

"Ok, tell me about your first heartbreak."

"Ok, I was 23 and I thought this guy was the one. He had asked me to marry him and everything, I said yes. So we're engaged, mind you I brought him a lot of attention and he was really liking us being all over the magazines and shit, so if he was ok with it I was too. We get deeper into the relationship, and like I find out he's fucking a lot of other girls, and that he never really wanted to be with me he just liked the attention I brought to him. I cried for weeks, it was honestly the worst time of my life."

"Damn, I couldn't do that. I can't just pretend to love someone, or even like them. I don't like every girl I see, yea they're attractive that don't mean I want them. You know?"

"Yea, I love how blunt you are. You're not rude with your bluntness either. You tell it how it is, but the way you say things never come off as rude."

"God didn't put no one on this earth to feel like we're all better than the next person, yea you tell a person what they're doing wrong, or what's being done wrong. Some are rude with it, like their better than the next person and that's what starts most of the drama in the world."

I started to get sleepy, I yawned as I closed my eyes. "You gettin' sleepy?" He asked


"I can lay down now?"

"Yes." I replied slightly smiling.


I woke up the next morning not moving at all. Instead I stared at the wall, after a while of staring I patted around my bed for my phone. Once I felt it, I grabbed it looking at it. Chris was still on the phone, 11 hours, 45 minutes & 13 seconds. I put the phone up to my ear, hearing a very busy background.

"Chris?" I said

"You up sleepy head?" He asked

"Yes, where are you?" I asked getting out the bed, I grabbed my charger off the dresser going into the bathroom plugging my charger into an outlet. I put my phone on the charger putting my phone on speaker.

"I'm at work." he said

"What time is it?"


"You stayed on the phone that long?" I asked

"Yea, I wanted to be the first you said good morning to." He said

"Awww, good morning baby."

"Good morning princess." he replied

"What is your mom doing today?" I asked

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